Chapter 3

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{a/n: Yoohoo! I'm already in the third chapter! *clap clap* Anyway, if you already realize, JK is a huge red flag here... He will always do anything that he wants, even if he will hurt innocent people... So I'm hoping for your patience and understanding, as this story will have a roller coaster ride...}


The following day, Jimin and his friend Hobi decided to shop some items in the mall for his upcoming dinner with Weian, as well as the clothes he'll be using for the photoshoot with the popular cosplayer in Korea, Jeon Jungkook... So when the two stopped by on one of Jimin's favorite shop, Hobi found a beautiful dress that he is so sure that will fit for Jimin's cute and innocent look...

"How about we do an early fitting, Jimin-ah? You know how much I love seeing you cross dress, and I think that dress in the mannequin is pretty much my ideal dress for you once you meet that Jeon kid..." The older said. "As I have heard, Coser JK has a bad reputation towards gay cosers, so you better be careful..."

Jimin looks down while fidgeting his fingers. "T-then what should I do to save myself from humiliation?"

"Well the photographer for that photoshoot is somehow an acquaintance of mine, so he will always protect the identity of his subject, most especially if they are part of the cosplay community..." Hobiare added. "Do you know Vantae studios? The owner himself is the photographer that day, so don't worry..."

"Alright, I believe you... Then should I try some of the dress and picked two of your best choice?" Jimin asked while smiling shyly.

"Make it three, I'll treat you the third dress that you will like the most..."

Jimin embraced his beloved stylist before they both head inside the boutique where they met their usual attendant... They will definitely enjoy their time together...


On the other hand, Jungkook and Taehyung decided that they should hang out on the mall to grab something to eat before they go to the latter's photoshoot location... While walking towards the shop of Louis Vuitton, a beautiful girl caught Jungkook's attention as soon as he turn his head in one of the prestigious costume boutique in the country: La Mirage... The said person seems likely to be part of the cosplay community, with all the cute loli dresses and fairy type gowns that surrounds her... When his eyes landed on her, she was wearing double colored strapless gown (white with red) with see-through cape that covers her exposed skin with red and pink flower design all over... Her long light brown Lolita cut hair is so smooth and shiny that he wonder if the maiden ever left his house in her entire life... She has fair skin and full plump lips that definitely do wonders in anyone with eyes...

Mister Red Flag and the Color Blind | Jikook {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now