Special Chapter 4: Jin's Past

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{a/n: Holy fuck! We're already in the fourth special chapter! Nice!}


After the day that his father locked him out on his room, Jin found himself lying in his bed with nothing else to do but to wait... He is more than sure that his father was still at home, and he promised to himself that he would not leave his room unless the latter was away... Maybe to avoid extra drama too. Good thing that their maid served him breakfast, or he might end up stirring another conflict between his parents if they see him joining their meal... Truth to be told, a lot of things changed after the incident in their school and his relationship with his younger brother started to drift apart... Since he witnessed such a brutal scene that involved his hyung, he wasn't able to eat or sleep for days that their father blamed Jin for all the trouble he caused... Jungkook became a lot more quiet and aloof that he avoided any contact with other people, most especially with his own brother...

Apart from his current conflicting relationship with his family, Jin found himself waiting for someone to message him, and that person is none other than Yoongi himself... Did he already read his letter? If yes, then why hasn't he messaged him? Is he mad? Disappointed maybe? Who in their right mind would want to contact someone who beat an entire gang just for a friend right? Gosh! This is so frustrating!
"I should have asked for his number instead of giving mine... For sure he will just toss my letter in the trash can and move on..." He sighed.

The day has just started but his mind already urges him to leave his home or just die completely... You can't blame him for having these useless thoughts, since his head is in a mess right now that the wrath of his father didn't matter at all... The suffocating feeling of loneliness combined with disappointment and solitude will give anyone the idea of hurting themselves in the process... Fucking perfect!

In the midst of his self loathing, an unexpected messages from an unknown number came that took the latter's curiosity... Upon opening the first message, Jin was surprised to see that the owner of the number is no other than Min Yoongi himself...
So he became that glimmer of hope that saved Jin from his inner demons.

"Sender: +82 ×× ×××× ××××

Good morning Jeon.
You may not expect me to message you but I did. You gave me your number remember? It's me Yoongi."

"Sender: +82 ×× ×××× ××××
I don't know how to use this phone but you can contact me here from now on."

"Sender: +82 ×× ×××× ××××
I hope that you're doing well, despite your current situation.
If you're worrying about our lessons, I can always help you with anything. I even copy the notes for you and left on your locker."

"Sender: +82 ×× ×××× ××××
I don't know how can I repay you for what you've done, and I know that I can't do anything much for you either. But I do hope that once you come back to school, maybe we can go to our music club together?"

"Sender: +82 ×× ×××× ××××
Why aren't you answering? Oh! Maybe you're still sleeping. I'm sorry! Guess I'll just message you again after class. Have a nice day!"

"So he really does have a phone! Good thing I have a genius mind and gave him my number in advance..." Jin smiled as he read the messages over and over. "I'll just reply to all of his messages later since I do know that our classes already started..."


Jin's entire morning was consist of his daily workout, reading books, watching TV, and taking a long warm shower... You may believe it or not, but the world outside his room doesn't seem to matter to him anymore... He is more than sure that no one in his so called friends bothered to look for him, or at least check on him if he is still alive...
The sound of footsteps and lively chattering of the people working in their house are nothing but unnecessary noise in his quiet domain... "Ugh! What else should I do while waiting for the right time to message Yoongi back?" He groans. "Gosh! This is so frustrating!"

The way he crack a smile whenever he remember the fact that the cold and snobbish Min Yoongi from his class is the first one who reached out to him... So freaking cute!
"I will definitely invite him to hang out with me once I finish my suspension... Maybe we can go to arcade or something..." He smiled.

Hopefully his day without the gang would be so much better despite the fact that Jin is also away from him...

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