Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

"WHEN ARE YOU TWO going to start planning the wedding?" Buck questioned while him along with Eddie and Eve cleaned the fire truck.

"Nosey much." Eve spoke jokingly.

"I'm just curious." Buck explained with raised hands.

"I don't know." Eve answered. "I've never planned a wedding." She muttered.

Buck was about to make a comment about picking a date, but was interrupted by the alarms going off.

Turns out their emergency involves a some sort of gas leak because the call came from someone inside the building saying everyone was passed out, so the 118 entered the build in hazmat suits.

"What are we thinking?" Chimney questioned. "Gas leak?"

"Could be some pathogen." Hen answered. "World's a crazy place these days."

"Negative for combustibles as of now." Bobby told his team. "Masks stay on for the duration."

Bobby led his team through the doctors office to find their caller.

"Where is everyone?" Buck asked. "It's too quiet."

As they walked past an nurse's desk Eddie spotted someone passed out in the floor. "Got one over here." He spoke rushing to the nurses side to check on her. "She's got a pulse. Pupillary response, normal."

"Help!" A women's voice shouted from somewhere down the hall the 118 was standing in. "Please help!"

Everyone quickly rushed towards the room the voice was coming from.

When the team walked into the room, doctors where passed out on the floor and a women in a gown laid on a bed with a doctor laying over her legs.

"Oh, help me." She pleaded trying to push the doctor off her. "They're crushing me."

"Her neck." Eve mumbled. The women's skin had been cut and peeled back.

"This is a plastic surgery place." Buck whispered to his siste.

Bobby instructed Buck to help him move the doctor off the women and for chimney to check on the other doctor.

"Wha-wha-what's wrong?" The women questioned reaching up and touching her neck.

"Stop. Stop, stop!" Eve quickly spoke.

"Don't touch your face. "Bobby told the women who had already touched her neck.

"What the?" She questioned looking at the blood on her hand.

"Ma'am, it's just looks like the staff here just wasn't 100% done before they lost consciousness." Hen explained as Bobby and Buck got the doctor off the ladies legs.

"You're still under the effects of general anesthesia." Eve added. "Which is what we're gonna keep you on so you stay nice and numb."

"But we're gonna need to put a cold compress on your face." Hen told the women who seemed freaked out.

"Is there a stitch loose?" The woman asked pointing at her face.

Bobby grabbed the numbed lady's attention. "You're probably gonna feel cold, but you're big gonna feel any pain. We've got to preserve as much tissue as possible when we travel you to a hospital."

The women sat up and when she did the face peeled forward making Eve step back and gag a little.

"Oh, my face is off!" The women panicked. "My face is off!"

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