Chapter Seventy Two

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9-1-1 Lone Star S2Ep3-hold the line

Trigger warning mentions of suicide ( I'll mention where)

Chapter Seventy Two

AS THE STRIKE team made their way back to the camp all Eddie could feel was numbness, his thoughts were over taking him. Thoughts of telling everyone who loved Eve that they couldn't find her and then the thought of finding her lifeless body somewhere in these burnt woods.

The 126 members and Eddie were all on the ATV lost in thought at what they heard happen a couple hours ago. ( I didn't see Eddie in the ATV but for dramatic purposes let's just go with he is)

"Oh," TK's cheer voice broke the silence between the members who didn't look as victorious as they should, "glad to see strike team's already got their feet up."

"Ooh, you guys must be exhausted," Buck added with the same enthusiasm as his new friend. "All that go-karting up and down the hill? Shocked Eve isn't over here on your lap," he gestured towards Eddie who looked the worst out for all of them.

Slowly the three members that just joined, faces fell now paying attention to their solemn faces.

"You didn't hear, did you?" Marjan questioned.

"Hear what?" TK asked panic twisting itself onto his face.

Eddie slid out of his seat, his face looking the most distraught out of all of them, "uh..." he tried speaking, he was struggling to form the words that his wife had gone up into a chopper in the middle of a wild fire with dangerous winds. "Eve—uh," he tried again only to fail again and almost fall to his knees at the pain he was feeling just saying her name, "and and Captain Strand, "

"Damn it Eddie spit it out!" Buck snapped knowing that he wasn't going to have any good news. "Where's my fucking sister!"

"She and Cap went up in a chopper to help find the last missing boy and then they crashed somewhere in the middle of the fire," Paul spit out causing a small sob to leave Eddie and Buck to stumble back as it felt like a punch to his gut.

TK stood trying to process the fact that his dad could very well be dead or close to it.

Buck began shaking his head as laughter came out of him, "no, you're joking," he chuckled as his face looked like he was about to cry, "she's somewhere here, probably in the tent helping tend to the wounded, right?"

Judd shook his head, staying silent and watching as three men looked so distraught hearing that the people closes to them where MIA and there wasn't anything they could do about it.

"No," Buck shook his head, "she's not dumb enough to fly in the middle of all that." But he did know that going into that mess was something she'd in order to help someone.

"YEAH, that radio's dead," Owen told Eve who was trying to help the pilot,"I can't get the cell reception to save my life."

"Hopefully command can pull GPS from the chopper to find us," Eve stated.

"Hopefully," Owen muttered, kneeling down beside the brunette, "How's he doing?"

"Sedated," Eve answered, "Fractured femur, couple of cracked ribs. He'll live."

"Don't speak too soon,"Owen muttered looking at the fire surrounding them. "You feel that? It's creating its own wind. It's a fire storm." He started explaining while pulling a map out of the bag they had brought, "gonna find some shelter. Okay, we're somewhere near here?" He pointed to a spot in the map, "this could work."

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