Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty
Bumps and Trauma

"I'VE NEVER understood why he didn't just let her heal him and then cut her hair." Eve spoke as her, Eddie and Christopher watched Tangled. "Like dude it's logical."

"They want dramatic effects." Eddie muttered. "And for Everlyn to question it."

Eve looked at her husband who had a grin on his face. "Well good on them because I am asking questions."

"Okay, but is everything about her magical?" Eddie questioned, pulling Eve into him and resting his chin on her head. "Her tears are special and her hair was, so what else is?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Eve answered as the movie came to an end.

"Well looks like our son is asleep." Eddie stated after he looked at the floor where Christopher was laying with Zeus and Apollo.

"I could've told you that." Eve responded. "He didn't tell us to stop talking."

Eddie got up to pick Christopher up and take him to bed while Eve went and checked on Charlotte who was very much asleep.

THROUGHOUT the past couple weeks, Wren had slowly been moving into Buck's apartment, only brining in a few pieces of furniture such as a couch and the end tables for those, also a dresser and a few things for the kitchen.

"Is that it?" Buck asked the brunette after he carried in the last box that was labeled clothes.

"Is it the last thing that was in the moving van?" Wren inquired sassily.

"Yes." Buck answered.

"Then that's it." Wren smiled as she took the box from Buck and walked it upstairs to unpack in his closet.

"I think I like your couch better than the last one." Buck stated plopping down on the new piece of furniture.

"Young man," Wren scolded from upstairs. "Get off your bum and unpack those boxes in the kitchen."

"But I carried them in." Buck groaned as he rose to his feet.

"I don't care." Wren sassed. "I will make Bailey bite your butt to get you motivated."

"Woah, that's just cruel." Buck responded. "I'm doing it."

"Good." Wren smiled. "I love and appreciate you."

"Yeah, yeah." Buck grumbled. "I love you too."

As wren slowly started moving her things into the closet her phone started buzzing in her back pocket.

Without reading the caller the brunette answered. "Hello, if this is a telemarketer please take me off your list."

"Isabella," a voice that made Wren's blood run cold spoke. "Where have you been the past year? I figured it was a phase, but you haven't showed up."

"Ryan." Wren whispered. "H-How'd you get this number?"

"Don't you dare dodge my question young lady." Ryan snapped. "Where are you?"

"None of your concern." Wren answered hanging up the phone.

Wren threw her phone onto the bed and fell to he knees.

"Wren?" Buck questioned heading the thud from the brunette's knees hitting the floor.

Wren felt the air being sucked from her body unwillingly all her childhood came rushing back to her after years of getting past the abuse she suffered from the hands of her step father and her mother doing nothing about it.

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