Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two
Slip and Slide

"MY SISTER has forgiven me, I'm back fighting fires," Buck spoke, wrapping his arms around Wren who was cooking eggs. "I have a beautiful girlfriend and her cute dog. Life is great."

Wren giggled when Buck started kissing her neck. "I'm glad baby." She muttered, leaning her head back and on his chest. "Are you wanting to eat before you go to work?"

"Yes." Buck answered turning around to grab plates and cups. "It smells and looks good."

"WHY is it that men's pockets can fit a whole arm, where a woman's can fit only a penny?" Eve asked as her Eddie and Buck walked into the station and she watched Buck pull his phone, wallet and keys out of his Jean pocket.

"Because you had purses." Buck answered simply.

"When have you ever seen me carry a purse?" Eve questioned her twin.

"Never." Eddie answered.

"You're first date in high school." Buck stated.

"For prom?" Eve questioned. "Yeah so I wouldn't have to carry five different things."

"Okay, that's a fair point." Buck muttered.

"Thank God you two made up." Chimney spoke from the balcony. "This place was getting way to tense with you two not talking."

"Well I got tired of hating him." Eve stated, walking away to the women's changing room.

"How's Charlie?" Bobby questioned both Eddie and Eve once they got changed and made their way up the stairs.

"She's good." Eve smiled. "Finally sleeping through the night after forcing myself not to get up and check on her while she cries herself back to sleep. It's a very painful task."

Bobby chuckled. "That it is." He agreed.

"But sleep for the whole house is important." Eddie stated. "Especially for this one." He placed his hands on Eve's shoulders as she sat down in the seat in front of him.

"So I've heard." Bobby nodded his head. "Have you been taking your meds everyday?"

Eve sighed. "Yes." She answered "And I've been sleeping more."

"That's good." Bobby approved. "Let's keep it that way, can't have another firefighter gone again."

"Yes sir." Eve gave a two finger salute.

ONE OF THE FIRST calls of the day was quite something to say the least.

An ice skating show gone wrong had occurred and well someone had lost a few fingers and another person had someone's ice skate stuck in his chest.

"Whoa." Eve grabbed her brother who was struggling to move on the ice as they looked for fingers and tended to the injured people.

"What's the story you two?" Bobby asked Chimney and Eve, after Eve made her way to the gurney with her co-worker

"These two children are abandoned in the woods." Chimney began telling the play, not the current situation. "They come upon a gingerbread house where a witch entices them..." the man slowly stopped after Bobby and Eve where giving him looks of humor and 'that's not what I meant'

"It was a multi-skater pile-up." Eve started. "Most of the injuries are minor except that guy."

"He lost four digits." Chimney added pointing to the guy sitting on a gurney with his right hand bandaged up. "We hit him with a local anesthetic to transport, still gotta find the fingers though."

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