Chapter Sixty One

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S3Ep18-what's next?

Chapter Sixty One
People from the Past

WREN had fully made up her mind about joining the police academy, and well now she just had to speak to Buck and hope you won't flip his lid.

"Babe," Wren called when she walked into their apartment and was being greeted by Bailey. "Hey baby girl."

"How was work?" Buck inquired as he rounded the corner from the living room to the entryway.

"It was work," Wren groaned leaning her head onto Bucks chest when he reached her. "But, I have to talk to you about something."

"Are you about to break up with me?" Buck questioned, looking at Wren in a way that hurt her heart.

Wren placed a hand on her boyfriend's cheek, "oh baby, no."she assured him, with a small smile. "I love you too much to leave you."

Buck returned the smile and sighed in relief, he didn't know if he could stand loosing Wren in anyway. He knew that it would hit him harder than Abby leaving him. "Good," he muttered, kissing the palm of her hand. "What do you want to talk about?"

Wren took a couple deep breaths trying to settle the nerves that had been building up for the past couple hours.

"I want to go through police academy to be an officer of LA." She blurted out, figuring it would be the best way to go before she would avoid the topic.

Buck furrowed his brows, processing the information, "you want to join the LAPD?" He asked.

"Yeah," Wren chuckled nervously.

"It's dangerous, Wren," Buck stated, shaking his head slightly as he started walking to the kitchen, "look at Athena, she just got the shit beat out of her, she could've died. I couldn't handle it if something like that happened to you."

"Your job can be just as dangerous Buck," Wren retorted. "You got your leg crushed under a fire truck. Eve was stuck in the same truck. Eddie almost drowned. Why can you put yourself in danger to help people, and I can't?"

"Because the idea of you getting hurt out on the streets, hurts me," Buck answered, grabbing onto the kitchen island. "I was freaking out when the call center was hijacked."

Wren sighed, making her way to Buck, "I need your support in this, I don't want you to be mad every time I come home and want to share things I've done that day."

"I can never be mad at you for wanting to do something you want," Buck said, looking up at the woman. "I sued a whole fire department because I wanted my job."

"You did do that." Wren chuckled.

Buck pulled wren into a hug, placing a hand on her head and an arm around her middle, "I'll support you through all your decisions."

"Thank you,"

"When do you start at the academy?" Buck inquired pulling away from the hug to look at his girlfriend.

"In two weeks." Wren answered. "For 6 months, then Athena is going to teach me on the streets and then I don't know."

"Okay," Buck mumbled.

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