Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
Kid's Best Friend

EVE currently sat in her new living room with her dog belly up beside her. "You are one strange dog, Zeus." The blonde spoke to the spotted dog as she rubbed his stomach and watched his tail move side to side with happiness. "What do you say we watch tonight? Are we going to rewatch something or struggle to find something new?"

Eve spent a couple moment scrolling through the different shows on the different streaming apps she had listed on her tv. "Actually looks like we won't be picking anything." She spoke reaching for her ringing phone. "Hello? This is dominos what an I get you today?"

"I'd like some advice with the toppings of moral support." Eddie's stressed and both amused voice answered.

Eve released a small laugh. "That is something I think I can help you with. Well depends on the advice, because if it's advice on what to wear on a date, I'm not your girl."

Eddie chuckled in the other end of the phone. "Well that's not the advice I need. I don't know what to do about Chris tomorrow. I don't like filling out these million question forms because most of them aren't right, and my abuela is in the hospital so she can't watch him." The man ranted about his current dilemma while Eve listened and thought about a possible solution.

"I'd offer to watch him but we're on the same shift." Eve told the stressed man.

A silence full of thinking filled the line between the two , right before Eve got an idea just by looking at her sprawled out dog. "I know a dog is different from a kid, but Bobby let Zeus come to work with me one day because my neighbor who normally watches him was out of town. So maybe Chris can tag along to work with us, I'm sure Bobby won't mind."

Silence was still filling the other end of the phone while Eddie thought about what the women had just said.

"And maybe, I can bring Zeus so that he can watch Chris during times we are doing something around the house." The blonde offered. "And if you're worried Zeus will act like he did with you the other day, he won't because I've trained him to handle people like Chris and me and then just kids in general."

Eddie sighed "alright." He agreed to the girls words. "I'll bring Chris and you bring Zeus, I think Chris would really like having a dog around."

Eve smiled to herself. "Hear that bud, it's bring your kids to work day." Eve rubbed her dog's stomach and his tail began to wag at the attention and the words she spoke even if he didn't understand her.

"You sure Bobby won't mind?" Eddie inquired.

Eve released a small chuckle. "I'm sure." She told him. "Just bring him and we'll tell Bobby about it tomorrow if he asks anything, okay?"

Eddie hummed in agreement. "Yeah, okay."

"Now I think you should get sleep and not worry to much about it." Eve spoke softly. "And I'd also like to go to bed."

Eddie laughed at he last statement. "Alright, thank you Eve."

"No problem Eddie, I'm always here."

The two adults said their good nights leaving Eve to get ready for bed and work the next day. She now had to fix up a bag for Zeus so that Chris could play with the dog and so that he'd have water and food when needed.

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