Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty
Halloween, what fun.

THE 118 had come back from a car accident, which thankfully everyone survived, it just took a lot of sweat.

"I swear I should just cut my hair off." Eve muttered fixing the mess that was caused by her helmet and rushing around the scene.

"Mmm." Eddie hummed thinking about it. "You'd look just as beautiful."

"Flirt." Eve snorted as they walked past the candy stand Buck was at.

"Oh, Eve, Eddie," Buck spoke grabbing the couple's attention, "you guys wanna give me a hand with all this?"

Eddie's smile fell, as he shook his head, "nah, you got this. You're 100 percent. Lawsuit proved that, right?"

Eddie took Eve's hand and walked away leaving Buck alone and doing his job.

THE NEXT call the 118 got was beyond creepy. Over a dozen kids where found locked up in a basement suffering from dehydration, malnutrition

"They're all in various stages of dehydration, malnutrition, any number of infections," Chimney explained to Athena and Bobby

"Probably have diseases we invented the cure for 100 years ago." Eve added.

"No gas, no running water," Eddie spoke coming out of the house after he went through it. "Gif knows how they bathed or cooked food. Give it a hard enough kick, the house would fall down. All we found was canned food, bibles, textbooks, all from the 1950s."

Hen was the next to join the group with information. "I just got one of the kids to talk. You're not gonna believe this."

"Dear God." Eve muttered not really ready to hear what Hen was going to tell them.

"These kids weren't abducted." Hen stated. "They live here. They're siblings. Their parents did this to them."

Next thing the team heard was a car horn as they watched a car pull into the driveway.

"Those are my kids." The male driver spoke as he got out of the vehicle. "What the hell are you doing with my children?"

"Did you find her?" The women from the passenger seat spoke. "Where's Bethany?"

"Who?" Athena questioned.

"Our daughter." The frantic women answered. "We've been looking for her for hours. She's lost and alone."

"Alone, right," Bobby muttered shaking his head along with the women's words. "Just like you left the rest of your children."

"They were secure." The father stated. "They were safe."

"Chained up you mean." Bobby corrected.

"You're daughters in the hospital." Athena informed the parents. "Which is where we're taking the others until children and family services get there. You two however, are going to jail. Read em their rights.•

And officer started reading their rights as they parents where put in handcuffs.

"That's awful." Eve spoke beside her husband as they watched the couple get taken away. "Thinking locking your kids up is a perfectly ok and safe thing."

"Yeah." Eddie agreed. "Wonder what brick they were hit with."

AFTER THE CREW got back from their call they had a few hours left of their shift and they had chores to do.

"I forgot we weren't going to make it to Halloween." Eve spoke, disappointed they where missing Charlie's first Halloween.

Eddie interlocked his fingers with the blonde. "It's fine." He reassured. "Carla's got it all under control."

"I know." Eve muttered. "But we're missing Charlie's first Halloween."

"It's not like she'll remember it." Eddie told his wife.

Eve looked up at the brunette baffled by the remark. "So you're one of those parents."

"So that's how it's gonna be now." Buck spoke as they passed by him, ignoring him. "You're just Finn keep on ghosting me. Cause Halloween is over just so you know."

Eddie and Eve turned around at face the man who was putting Halloween decorations up.

"I don't know what you want from me, Buck." Eddie stated as Eve stood in silence. "Forgive, forget, make you feel better about what you did?"

"I just want you guys to talk to me." Buck told the pair. "Even if it's just to say that you're still mad."

"I'm not mad, I'm-" Eddie spoke. "When you decided to sue the department, to make Cap the bad guy, hurt your sister, did you ever stop for a minute to think what that could do to us?"

"Look, I just needed my job back." Buck began. "I missed—I missed being here. Being part of the team. I never meant for anyone to get hurt." Buck looked at his sister who was just standing, looking at her feet and listening." Especially you."

"Lotta 'I's in there." Eddie said his experience set and frustrated. "Your actions, your choices, They impact the rest of us. That's what it means to be a part of a team."

"You're right." Buck agreed. "I didn't think about what could happen. I was mad at Bobby for not letting me back. I was made at you guys for moving in without me. I was mad that there was nothing I could do about it. And I just—I wanted to—"

"Punch someone?" Eddie interpreted, causing a sigh to Leah Eve and for her to pull away and give Eddie a look saying he could forgive him, but she wasn't at that stage, yet.

But she knew that soon enough she would. Maybe nearly dying would do something to kick start it and make her realize that her brother truly didn't think everything through and knew he was an idiot.


Figured out a way for the twins to get back together sooner and for it to be some what decent. Thank you to those who gave me ideas in the comments y'all are awesome!!

Cried my eyes out watching the season 5 final of the rookie ✌🏻why do shows do this??

May post another chapter tonight since I got two hours til I must go to bed and it's a me chapter :)

But if I don't, good night! Thank you for reading <3

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