Chapter Seventy Four

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S4Ep4- 9-1-1 What's your grievance

Chapter Seventy Four
Family Feud

"I'VE BEEN invited to a family dinner," Eve grumbled as she got ready for her shift.

"Are you going?" Eddie asked, he didn't like the watching the way Eve was neglected during the first reunion the day prior, but he couldn't do anything about it and that made the feeling worse in his end.

"Yeah," Eve sighed, braiding her hair.

"Are we bringing the kids?" Eddie questioned watching his wife.

"Absolutely not," Eve snapped, turning to look at her husband, "and Carla can't watch them so you're gonna have to."

"Okay," He muttered knowing that she also meant she didn't want him going because she didn't like the fact he got to watch how they ignored her.

"I'll have Buck and Maddie there," Eve reassured her husband with a smile. "I'll be fine."

"Okay,"Eddie nodded his head as he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, "if you need me I'll be there in a heart beat, okay?"

Eve placed her hand on his cheek, "I know."

MIDWAY through shift, the 118 revived a call that there was a man with a bomb in a work place.

"Clearing the building now," Officer Williams informed Bobby as his team joined his side ready to be given orders,but we need to shut off gas and power as a precaution."

"Eddie, you're on electrical," Bobby started instructing his team, "Buck I want you to go up the street, shut the gas off at the main."

"Copy that," both men responded before heading in the direction of their order.

"I mean," a panicked woman began explaining part of the situation, "I know Stan was angry,'s Stan! He was with us for almost 20 years, until the accident."

"He was injured in the job," Williams stated as Eve and Hen began tending to the woman. "Blamed the company for cutting corners. Filled a grievance over it."

"The company said it was his mistake," Fatima explained further.

"So when they fired him, he lost his health and pension," Bobby put the pieces of the story together.

"Court threw out his claim on Friday," Fatima responded, " he must have snapped."

"What's he do for the company?" Bobby questioned as the three paramedics continued checking on her.

"He was in charge of demolition on our job sites," The woman answered.

"He's blow things up for you," Hen stated.

"Yes," Fatima agreed.

"BO's elevated," Hen told her captain, "it's probably just the stress, but I'll keep an eye on her until we can transport."

"Cap, powers out," Eddie's voice came over the radio, "but I just got word that a janitor might have had an asthma attack and collapsed in one of the stairwells."

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