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-'Cause all of me loves all of you-

Covid-19 affected everyone in the world. At some point Eve and Eddie were away from Christopher, Charlotte and the dogs, both parents hated it with every fibber in them. But eventually they were allowed back into the home they had recently moved into.

Right before the world shut down the Diaz family moved into their new home, a home they bought together and for the couple months they were living in it as a family was great. They couldn't have asked for a better home.

When Eve and Eddie moved back in, Christopher and Charlie had to be the happiest kids on the planet. However Christopher froze right before he hugged Eve, noticing that her hair was much darker than he had remembered. Due to the virus shutting everything down Eve didn't have the chance to go get her hair touched up so she just excepted the fact that aging had brought her from being a blonde to a brunette.

So now Eve and Eddie (auto correct decide DVD was a good name for Eve) were officially moved back in, and couldn't be happier.

"Breakfast ideas?" Eve inquired, searching through the cabinets for a pan.

"Pancakes," Christopher answered, standing beside Eve, ready to help her make something.

As of now Eddie was asleep and Charlie was playing with Zeus and Apollo on a play mat Eve moved to the kitchen.

"Good choice," Eve smiled before instructing her son to get the needed ingredients that he could reach.

Eve taught Christopher the ways of making a pancake, first mixing it and then showing how and when to flip one and finally allowing him to cook his own.

"You did good bud," Eve told the boy, before looking over to Charlie who was playing with a few toys and surrounded by two very protective dogs. "I'll put them on plates if you'll go wake up your father."

Christopher did as Eve asked and got his dad up while she put the pancakes on a plate and different fruits in a bowl before placing them in the middle of their dinning table and setting plates and silverware.

"Oh my sunshine," Eve muttered as she swooped her up from her spot on the floor and kissed her head.

"Pancakes?" Eddie questioned, his voice raspy from just waking up. "Kinda hoping for eggs and bacon."

"You can make it if you wish," Eve replied, sitting Charlie in her high chair. "But we all know you'd be eating ash."

Eddie scoffed in response, "I'm not that bad of a cook."

"You are," Christopher agreed with Eve who smiled at the fact she was right and everyone knew it.

"You need to be taught how to cook better," Eve stated, "which if you'd join me in the kitchen, you'd learn a thing or two. Right Chris?"

Christopher nodded his head causing Eddie to roll his eyes.

"Let's just eat," Eddie grumbled, "you're mama and brother are being mean to me," he whispered to Charlie who was more focused on playing with her pancake instead of eating it.

Always Forever | Eddie DiazWhere stories live. Discover now