too protective

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"Alright I'm gonna go out alone okay Ice?"Blaze asked and Ice nodded,meaning that he was okay, with it

Blaze went to the city and stopped infront of a shop and looked at the shopping window

"Woah!They have a new game!Heck yeah!Imma buy it!"Blaze thought to himself"Hm....which one though...?"

Blaze continued to watch while a man from an alley pointed a gun at him

He was about to shoot when he accidentally got shot instead.His body turned pale and there were ice on his body

" should watch your surrounding...."Ice mumbled to himself

He was sitting on top of a building while holding a gun made out of ice.

"Eh?I suddenly felt like something just instanly froze"Blaze thought to himself"Hm....that must've been Ice"

Blaze texted to Ice through his watch

Icy,let's go walk in the city together


I will buy you cake

Fine,but pick me up

Alright,where are you?

The huge building to your right at the end of the street


Blaze went to the building and saw Ice waiting for him there

"There you are!Come on hop on!"Blaze said and crouched

Ice got on his back and they went to a conditory

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