Two side of a coin

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Blaze's pov:

I always wished I was as smart and talented as Solar, but I'm not even close to anything.

I'm stupid. In every test I keep falling. I hate it! No matter how hard I try, I never seem to improve..

While Solar on the hand does everything so effortlessly.. If only I was just a little bit like him, then my parents would also love me...

Solar's pov:

There are times when I wish I was Blaze. He's so carefree. Whenever I see him, there will always be a wide grin on his face, as if there's nothing to worry about. I admire him for that, even when I hate to admit it...

He's always surrounded by people. Even when many hates him, his friends were there to support him. While me? I had no one.

I don't have such good friends like he does. My parents only cares about good grades and achivements. They don't care about me.

Blaze and Solar twin AU

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