The seven guardian

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There's a legend saying that there was once seven guardians who guarded this island.

The island was known to be the most peaceful place on earth, some people even call it 'heaven'.

Only those who are kind are allowed to enter while those who are evil are banished from it.

Shall you break its rule and enter with evil deeds, may you drown into the deepest sea.

This place is protected by its guardian, ready to sarcrifice themselves for this land they call home.

Everyone loved this island, they wished to live there in peace until the day they fly high into the sky.

But one day everything changed.

The guardians are kind and forgiving, but even they have a limit that no one should cross.

A treasure deep within the island, the guardians poured their heart and soul to it.

No one knew what it was, a mystery that no one dared to harm.

However one day someone found out the truth, took the guardians' most prized treasure and left into the unknown.

The guardians rage spread across the island and into the world. What once was called 'heaven' is now called 'hell'.

Everyone feared it, no one dared to enter. A beautiful island filled with smiles has now turned into a dangerous one with sorrow sky.

I'm starting to like this writing style >w<

And yes, another new AU 😃 Maybe I will write it one day, I'm not sure. I don't have a plot, but the AU itself is pretty interesting :^

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