valentine day

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Today is valentine day and as usual Thorn crafted a cute little flower out of colored paper, matching his brothers with beautiful meanings behind it while Taufan baked their favourite cookies.

The two of them worked together to tie them together beautifully with ribbons and distribute them to their siblings.

"Aww, thank you"Gempa patted both of their heads, making them smile.

"To the next one!"Thorn shouted while Taufan pushed the trolly(?) Thorn was sitting on along with their presents.

"To the next one!"Thorn shouted while Taufan pushed the trolly(?) Thorn was sitting on along with their presents

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(I'm not sure what it called)

"Thanks!"Blaze grinned while Ice happily ate his cookies and stealing Blaze's in the process. "What the- hey!"

"Pfft- next one!"Taufan giggled.

"Thank you"Solar smiled, a rare and genuine one compared to his usual smile.

"You're welcome sunshine!"Thorn waved happily.

"Hali!!"They shouted as they ran towards their eldest brother and attacked him with a hug.

"T-thank you.."Halilintar barely let out as he was squeezed by them.

They smiled brightly, happy to see their siblings smile as it was the best present they could ever get and gladly get every single year.---even better: Everyday!

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