I hate you!

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Solar and Halilintar were peacefully minding their own business at home while the other were outside buying groceries with Gempa. (Gempa forced them to come along as a 'punishment' for breaking a few stuff at home. Ice was also guilty so he was also forced to come)

Out of nowhere they started to annoy each other which then turned into an argument and slowly escalated into a serious fight.

It was so bad to the point that Solar snapped and yelled at Halilintar.

"I hate you!"He crossed his arms and looked away in annoyance.

Halilintar didn't reply and after a moment of silence Solar realized what he had just said and immediately looked at Halilintar.

"Hali I didn-"His eyes widen when he saw tears rolling down on Halilintar's cheek.

He was silently crying while mumbling something which seemed to be a plead.

"I'm sorry.."Solar hugged his brother and patted his back. "I went too far,please forgive me.."

It took a little while before Halilintar finally nodded as a respond and wiped away his tears.

"I didn't mean it."Solar reassured when he noticed that Halilintar seemed to be deep in his thoughts. "I love you,even if I don't say it often."

He felt a bit embarrassed to say it, but he knew that he had to. It was the least that he could do after making Halilintar---who has a strong mental---cry.

Halilintar just nodded and didn't say a word for the next few minutes.

"I really fucked up, didn't I...?"Solar sighed and took Halilintar's pikachu plush from Halilintar's room to give it to him and also gave him a slice of strawberry cake.

"Big brother Hali, can we watch a movie together?"Solar asked in a rather childlike tone which resembled Thorn's usual voice a lot.

It was rare that Solar called him 'big brother', but it always manage to make him smile.

Halilintar hummed in respond and they watched a movie together until the other came home.

"I could never hate you.."Solar thought to himself when he glanced at his brother that was focused on the movie. "You're too kind and caring for me to even dislike you."

For anyone wondering what Halilintar said:

"Yell at me and hit me all you want, but please don't hate me..."

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