You scared me!

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TTM:*causing trouble as usual and running away*

"I think I'm safe,"Taufan thought as he peeked around the corner before he lets out a sigh in relief.

Then he turned around and was met by a pair of red eyes which immediately made him shriek. "Hali-!"

"Where-!?"Blaze looked around for the said person but there weren't anyone beside them.

"Oh it's you-"Taufan sighed. "Geez you scared me! I thought Hali found me and I will be grounded."

"Hehe,"Blaze chuckled and shrugged. "Not my fault that you mistaken me as Hali."

"Yeah,"Taufan sighed once again while placing a hand on his chest. "My poor heart.."

"You're still getting grounded,"A deep voice said from behind him.

"Hi..?"Blaze said nervously while Taufan slowly turned around to see his fate.

There stood Halilintar with a tied up Thorn who mumbled an apology. "Sowwy, Hali caught me.."

Without further dicuss Hali gave them both a little smack on the head before he dragged them to Gempa.


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