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Gempa,Taufan and the quadraplet are in mall buying some groceries and they decided to sit in a cafe to rest

"Gemgem"Taufan called him

"Yes?"Gempa asked

"Can me,Thorn and Blaze walk around on our own?"Taufan asked

"We won't cause trouble or get lost either"Blaze added

"Can we please?"Thorn added with puppy eyes

"Fine,you can,but remember that you have to behave,okay?"Gempa replied

"Yup!"TTM replied at the same time and went out of the cafe

"Um....are you sure that it's okay for them to walk around on their own....?"Solar asked

"It's fine,don't worry"Gempa replied with a smile

"Alright..."Solar replied

They were enjoying the peace when suddenly a loud noise was heard outside and TTM was running while being chased

"Uh....Gem...?"Solar asked hesitanly

"Yes?"Gempa replied in with a calm voice and a sweet smile on his face

"Aren't you going to stop them....?"Solar asked

"In a moment,I still have to finish my tee"Gempa replied,still calm and the smile didn't dissappeared either

"Alright then..."Solar replied back

Solar and Ice looked at each other and gave each other a confused look.They decided to talk through their watch.

Is this real right now???

I don't know,this might be a dream of mine,you tell me

Yeah it's real then

Are they screwed or lucky?

Screwed,definetely screwed.I think Gempa's patience is almost gone....

Yeah you're right...

Should we tell them?

Nope,it's their own fault

Yeah you're right,let's enjoy the drama


After Gempa drank his tea,he went straight to TTM and gave him the scariest smile ever

"H-hey g-gem..."Taufan stuttered

"It was an accident...?"Blaze said trying to not get grounded

Thorn was just staying there and panicking

"We are going home,now"Gempa said with a threatening yet friendly and calm tone

"Damn his patience is gone"Solar said as he watched the TTM get scolded

"A month with housework and no games nor going out"Ice added

"Brutal"Solar commented and then he asked Halilintar"And how are you not reacting at all?"

"I knew already that he was in a bad mood when you guys got out that was why I stayed at home"Halilintar explained

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