my guardians

193 17 4

Ever since I can remember, I never felt alone. There were always something---or someone---around me, even if I don't see them.

Many shook away my thoughts, saying that it's just my imagination. But I really feel like someone is near me, watching me.

Despite that, I never once felt uncomfortable. In fact, I welcome them and feel at ease with them. Now the feeling of being completely alone without them makes me want to crumble. I don't know.. perhaps.. I grew fond of them.

"E-eh, my balloon!"I tried to chase it back, but it has gotten too high for me to reach. "Hiks.."

Before tears could escape my eyes, a gentle wind currents flew it back to me and I happily grabbed it. "Thank you Wind!"I giggled.

"Boboiboy who are you talking to?"My mom asked as she approached me.

"Wind helped me get my balloon back!"I grinned while holding up my balloon as proof.

She sighed and patted my head with a smile. "Mhm, Wind surely is nice hm?"

I pouted, knowing that my mom didn't believe me and simply thought that I was talking about an imaginary friend. "I mean it mom!"I huffed.

"Sure sweety,"She continued to pat me.

"Hm!"I pouted.

"Aw, sweetheart,"She crouched down and looked right into my eyes."I know that you feel like there's something-"

"Someone!"I corrected.

"Yes, someone,"She nodded calmly. "Is always there with you like a friend, but I just can't help but doubt it. I can't see them you know?"

"I know.."I lowered my head. Neither do I, but.. I know it. I just do..!

I lowkey want to write a book with scenario or a story about this AU ;v;

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