not close?

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Many people at school think that Blaze and Solar aren't that close,since Blaze often annoys Solar and Solar easily gets annoyed by him,but is that true?

Not close? (My AU)
-Blaze annoying Solar so that he would take a break from experimenting

-Solar filling a shelf with harmless potion that can be use as a prank just for Blaze,so that he can easily take one without worrying if it might be toxic(And he always refill it and acts like he doesn't know that Blaze took them!)

-Blaze often voluntere to try out Solar potion or helping him with literally anything

-Solar and Blaze pranking each other in a friendly manner

-Blaze replacing Solar's coffee stash with bitter hot chocolate,so that he would sleep more(and doesn't realize that it has been replaced)

-Solar always defending Blaze when someone talk bad about him

-Always making each other smile after a bad day in their own way

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