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"Ugh!Blaze is so annoying!"Solar said to himself while cleaning the mess that Blaze had made in his lab"Why can't he just leave me alone!?I hate him!"

"Wait a minute-"Taufan said to himself before entering Solar's lab"What did you just say?"

"I hate Blaze!"Solar replied in an irritated tone

"Don't say that. Hate is a strong word,you know?"Taufan said as he got closer to Solar

"Ofcourse,I know.But I mean it!I can't stand him!"Solar said while crossing his arms as he sat on a chair

"Are you sure that you 'hate' Blaze?"Taufan asked and sat in front of Solar

"Yes!"Solar replied

"And why do you hate him?"Taufan asked in a gentle tone

"Because he is annoying and childish!He is nine years old,but he acts like a todler!"Solar complained

"But he is a good brother"Taufan stated

"No he isn't!He won't stop bothering me and stealing my potion!"Solar protested

"And why do you think that he does that?"Taufan asked again

"Because he wants to annoy me,obviously!"Solar said while rolling his eyes

"No,you're wrong.He does that because he wants you to take a break from experimenting.It's not healthy to experiment all day,you know? You need to rest"Taufan said calmly

"You are just saying that because you like him"Solar grumbled

"No,I'm not. I'm just stating facts"Taufan corrected and earned a disbelief expression from Solar "Think about it. When does Blaze usually annoy you?"

Solar thought for a moment before replying "before lunch, in the afternoon and in the night when he can't sleep"

"Don't you think that he has a reason to annoy you at the time?"Taufan asked and smirked when he noticed Solar's expression

Solar had realized that Taufan was right. Blaze always annoys him,but not just anytime. He always does it whenever it was time to eat. He would run to the kitchen and Gempa would told them to stop running to eat. Or at night whenever Solar is secretly experimenting when he is supposed to be asleep. He annoys him until all of his energy dissappeared and all that he wanted was to sleep. Or when everyone  was outside,Blaze would steal his stuff and make him chase him outside and annoys him for atleast an hour before giving up out of nowhere

"He is still annoying..."Solar said grumphily

"But he isn't a bad brother"Taufan added which made Solar huff in annoyence "Oh come on!Admit it~"

"No,he isn't"

"Yes,he is"










They keep saying no and yes until Solar gave up

"Fine.He is"Solar said

"He is what?"Taufan asked while smirking

Solar rolled his eyes "He is a good brother"

"Good!"Taufan said while patting Solar's head"Now don't say that you 'hate' someone before thinking it through!"

"Whatever..."Solar mumbled


"Solllll"Blaze said

"Yeah,yeah.Give me a minute"Solar said without looking at Blaze

Blaze looked at him in disbelief and stole his potion before running to the kitchen

"Blaze!"Solar shouted"Give it back!"

"Catch me if you want it!"Blaze said while running

"Stop it you two!"Gempa said strictly"It's time to eat"

Gempa took the potion and placed it on the kitchen counter while Blaze and Solar sat on the table without protest

"I hate you..."Solar mumbled

"Love you too bro"Blaze replied and ate his food happily

Solar glanced at Blaze and smiled before eating his food

"Something just doesn't change"Taufan thought and chuckled

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