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"Huh? Whose voice is that?"Solar followed the soothing voice.

He walked and walked, following the humming melody without thinking, feeling attracted to it.

The next thing he knew, he was in a field of beautiful flowers which was shining under the moonlight.

"Where am I..?"He mumbled and looked around.

A child appeared out of nowhere with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey!"He called, but they didn't hear him. "Wait!"He stood up and ran after him.

"Gempa!"The child exclaimed happily as he hugged a tall figure who had his face covered with a veil.

"Hello Thorn"The figure said with the same soothing voice.

"That voice!"Solar thought.

"Gem!!"Two other children came running to him while another tall figure carried a sleeping child in his arms.

"We miss you!"The children said.

"I miss you too"The figure looked at Solar and smiled. "Why hello"

"W-who are you?"Solar said as he tried to look brave.

"A new kid!"The child with ocean blue eyes ran to him and pulled him closer to them. "Welcome to wonderland!"

"A place where you can have all the fun you want!"The child with red eyes said.

"And where you have nothing to worry about!"The child named Thorn said.

"Where you are safe from everything.."The sleeping kid mumbled as he burried his face on the figure's chest.

"I wanna be carried by Hali too!"The blue-eyed child said while pouting.

The sleeping child stuck his tounge out at him and clung even more to the figure.

"Pfft-"The other two children giggled while the third one pouted and looked like he was about to cry.

"There, there, don't cry"The figure said, his voice the contrast to the faceless figure.

He took him in his arms aswell, which made him smile brightly.

Solar, still confused by everything just watched them in silence until the faceless figure suddenly patted his head.

"You're safe now. Be the child you didn't have the chance to"His soft voice said.

That is the moment when Solar remembered that his teenage body had turned into that of a child's.

Wonderland, the place where your inner child is safe and free.

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