Chapter 1: The tent

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A/N- Welcome to my first book :) We begin during the scene where Zuko walks into Sokka in his tent waiting for Suki. 


After the intial shock of seeing Sokka's set up, Zuko had settled into a comfy spot on the floor and waited for Sokka to ask why he came in the first place.

"So tell me what's on your mind?" prompted the water tribe boy.


"What??" Sokka sounded surprised yet his cheeks had become a flush pink.

"Oh uh what...I mean the umm comet"

Real smooth Zuko. Sokka's definitely gonna buy that one.

"Sozin's one?" Sokka tried to clarfied confused.

"Yes buddy, how many other damn world changing comets are there?"

Sokka fell silent. Ahh he hated it went Zuko was right and funny at the same time it was...cute?

"Right, well I, it's just azula and my dad idk just the thought of facing him again it's...strange"

 Zuko explained this blankly, there was something not quite true about the emotion, or lack of it rather, in his voice. Zuko may have changed but he was still fire nation, he'd learnt a thing or two about hiding his feelings and Sokka knew it.

"Zuko come on it's Azula, Aang's got her down easy he's the freakin' avatar remember. And Ozai, you lighting redirected the shit out of him. I know you're not that worried. If you were it's not like you'd admit it anyway," Sokka said as he smirked a little to himself.

"It's just...I..." zuko tried to form a coherent sentence that somehow sorted out the mess in his head. Why was sokka always right, he thought.

"Is this about that firenation girl again, Mai?" Sokka suggested, confused.

"What? No! I told you we were done!" zuko shot back a little too defensively.

"Okay, okay jeez I was just asking...I'm the one who's girlfriend turned into the moon remember"

Zuko chuckled at this.

"Come on zuko tell me what's really going on. Remember what you said about not overthinking and trying even when you think you're going to fail," sokka encouraged, his mind drifting back to their trip at the boiling rock.

"Sokka it's just I...uh...ever since the boiling rock there's been something" zuko finally explained practically reading sokka's mind, "I don't know how to explain it or if you even feel the same but I ummm" the boy blushed and looked away, he couldn't watch sokka's blue eyes as he processed what the darker haired boy was saying.

"Zuko, you don't need to explain. 'm glad you join the group too. We're great friends" Sokka interrupted.

Right friends, of course, it was stupid of zuko to think anything different. He was in Sokka's tent where he was waiting for suki.

"eh yeah, me too" zuko replied fiddling with the blankets on the floor of the tent.

"Was that all?" questioned sokka clearly in anticipation about his night. Really he just didn't want to think to hard about him and Zuko it always messed with his head, he was supposed to be doing it with Suki tonight anyways.

"yeah I guess so, enjoyed your umm evening" zuko wasn't blind (no offense Toph, he thought) he could see Sokka's entensions with little rose petal wall and candle set up he had.

The Tent (Zukka)Where stories live. Discover now