Chapter 13: Truth

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Meanwhile back in the living room....

"Oooo" Toph continued to announce as sokka and katara walked away.

Zuko rolled his eyes, "Toph just stop" 

"Someone's in a bad mood considering I'm sure last time would have cheered you up" 

Zuko just glared back at the girl and suki laughed watching the fire nation boys face turn red. 

"So I guess Sokka's finally gonna tell katara huh?" Aang spoke up. 

"Seems like it," suki replied. 

"Took him long enough" commented Toph. 

"Guys I said just stop!" zuko was getting frustrated. The rest of the gang went silent. 

"S-sorry I guess I'm just...nervous" zuko explained and then quickly changed subject, "um anyways what have you guys been up to?" 

"Kat and I went into town last night and we stopped at this nice restaurant, it over looks the bay. We were thinking we all there tomorrow night, you know as a sort of send off for aang and all of us really" 

"Right..." zuko was gotten so caught up in everything he had briefly forgotten how soon the comet was coming, "that's a great idea suki" 

"I agree!" aang said cheerfully as usual. 

"Well I'm gonna go bring my stuff back to my room," zuko said taking this as opportunity to leave. 

He was just on his way out the room when something dropped from his pocket, it was one of his from the night before. Shit zuko thought, moving quickly to get it hoping no one would notice. Of course Toph did.

"Nice going zuko," Toph smirked. 

The firenation boy was so embarrassed and quickly left the room. Suki was laughing, although a part of her was still a little jealous of zuko. 

"What was that?" aang questioned once zuko had left. 

"Nothing" the girls both said at the same time. 


Back in Katara's room...

"Zuko is a bit more than a best friend..." 

"What do you mean?" Katara looked at her brother confused. 

"Um ne-never mind" now that he actually had to tell his sister the boy was nervous. 

"Sokka look at me, I know we haven't been as close lately but I'm here for you, please just tell me what's going on. I don't wanna be left in the dark" 

"It's j-just I don't know what you gonna think-"

"Me neither unless you tell me! Come on sokka stop beating around the bush" 

"Ugh forget it I'll just tell you some other time" sokka got up to leave but then he remembered his promise to the fire nation boy, "zuko's my boyfriend okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I like him katara, and not in a friend way. Oh and btw- I heard you and aang in the living room." 

Sokka run as quickly as could out the door and made his way up the hall. He couldn't bare see his sisters face. That is not how he hadn't imagined coming out, but Kat had been so fucking demanding. 

The water tribe girl took a moment to process what her brother had told her before quickly chasing after him. She caught up and grab his hand, pulling him in for a hug. The boy couldn't even look at his sister. 

She held him tightly and then pulled away, "sokka. I love you no matter what okay?? I'm so sorry I made you feel like I couldn't tell me. It doesn't matter if you and zuko are a couple, I mean I will be giving you cute date suggestions and I will be teasing you guys but I-I'm happy for you" 

Tears started following doing Sokka's face, "really??" 

"Yes of course" her eyes went her brothers. 

"Then why did you say it would be weird to aang, if zuko and I were more?" 

"I guess I was just processing. I was surprised and kinda upset that you didn't trust me enough to tell, that you would have felt the need to sneak around"

"Um it's okay I guess. I get it. It's just I didn't tell you cause I was really worried about what you'd say. I just wanted-needed-you to be okay with it so much so that I couldn't risk you not" 

"Oh so you do care my opinion??" katara smiled through the tears that were now running down her face. 

"Haha stop don't ruin the moment" 

"So what made you changed your mind? About me..." 

"Last night" sokka smirked. 

"Ewww!!" Katara laughed she was only teasing, "okay moment over" 

Sokka laughed, "lunch?"



Sokka and katara made their way to kitchen only to find zuko and aang waiting  in the living room for them. Toph was hungry so had left to get food with suki, but the boys had insisted on waiting. 

"Lunch anyone?" Sokka said joyfully when he walked in. Zuko look at the boy, trying to get a read on how the conversation had gone. He could see dried tears on his face, and just hoped those were happy tears. 

"Sure!" said aang. 

In the kitchen they all helped cook. Katara was making soup, and aang was helping  prep the veggies. Sokka cut up some bread and zuko got out the fire flakes, his favorites. 

"So?" zuko whispered in sokka's ear now they were finally next to each other. 

"She was...good" sokka whispered back and smiled at the boy. Zuko squeezed sokka's hand, so happy he had finally told katara. 

They all sat down to eat, but they couldn't all help but think about the elephant in room. Katara contemplated if she showed be saying anything, like congratulating them or...? She decided not too, not wanting to make her brother uncomfortable-again. 

"Sokka did katara tell you about the restaurant?" aang spoke up, braking the awkwardness as best as he could. 

"What restaurant?" he replied confused. 

"Suki and I made reservations and this place in town," katara explained, "tomorrow night we're gonna go out to celebrate our last night, you know before we have to pack up and leave in time for the comet" 

"I can't believe that's so soon" zuko replied. Little did the rest of the gang know but his hand was stroking sokka's thy. It had been getting higher and higher up his leg as lunch went on. Sokka had been putting all his focus into not reacting or making a sound that he was fully zoned out of the conversation.

"Sokka?" aang said catching him daydreaming. 

"Oh um yeah same" he said attempting to make it appear as if he'd been listening. 

Zuko smirked.

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