Chapter 3: Return to Empire Island

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Sokka didn't know how to feel about Zuko's return. Half because he had yet to apologise or say a word to suki and partially because he knew he'd want to resume their activities from the tent if he lay eyes on the fire nation boy. As much as he wanted to make things right with zuko he was well aware suki had to come first. He'd really messed that one up. He just hoped she'd be willing to talk, to listen. Funnily enough, suki had left her tent just sokka was in his way to find her.

"wait suki I-" sokka called out.

"what do you want sokka? haven't you done enough?"

Okay noted, Suki's still mad. It's okay sokka just breath and aplogize, he thought.

"Look suki just listen to me for one minute" he tired getting her attention, "I'm sorry okay? i know i really screwed up, you don't have to tell me that twice. it's not that i don't care about you it's just like that i, i got cought up in the moment. i don't know suki i'm just confused can't you see that?"

"sokka belive me i get that, it's okay to be confused but could you stop getting caught up in the moment for once and plan something out"

"what are you even saying? i'm literally the planner of the group"

"whatever sokka," she did have to admit he had a point.

"suki please don't be mad. we can't stay like this forever"

"then why don't you stop trynna sleep with zuko"

"it was ONCE"

"yeah but it wouldn't been if I hadn't walked in, huh?"

"I don't know...but point is Zuko and Katara are gonna be back tonight and I don't want it to be awkward"

"well it's gonna be sokka"

"okay, okay, I know. can we just like call a truse?"

"we're not little kids anymore sokka you can't just do that"

"i know. Suki please you have to help me. i wanna figure this out," sokka was practically begging now.

Suki took a deep breath, "look sokka i think we just need some space for you to figure your stuff out and see where we stand. i don't want things to be akward either but you have to accept you've put me in a hard postion"

"i know, i understand. I just want us to be friends..."

"Sokka we are freinds. I may be upset, but I get it. I have to put my feelings aside for the group" it took a lot for suki to say this. There was still so much she wanted to say, that she curious about, but she knew this wasn't the time, Katara and Zuko would be back soon.

With that Sokka smiled and headed back to his tent. It was another hour or so until he heard the groan of Appa flying in. Sokka's anxiety was creeping in now. He'd spent the last hour trynna figure everything out, flying his boomerang around outside. Just be cool sokka it's okay, you only like almost slept with him the water tribe boy thought.

"Sokka, Suki, Toph!" aang called, "katara and zuko are back I see appa!"

"Oh yay, I missed them some much"

"Come on toph I know that's not true" laughed Suki who'd emergered from her tent again, claiming she was feeling better. Sokka we pleased when he heard this, he figured it was something to do with their conversation.

Appa landed in the clearing next to the group who were beside the fire. Zuko and katara climded down, dropping their bags on the ground first.

"Zuko!" said Sokka. He didn't really know what he was doing but he ran up and hugged the fire nation boy anyway. Suki rolled her eyes, so much for caught in the moment.

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