Chapter 4: Dreamy Days and Sleepless nights (PART 2)

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It was Aang.

Sokka quickly jumped up and off of zuko. The fire nation boy layed still on the grown, "Oh aang" he turned a deep red, "we were err um...just finshing up"

Sokka scrached his head awkardly, "oh umm yeah, I guess you won zuko"

"Okay! Well Kat and I were done so just thought I'd come see where you two were up to" aang said seemingly oblivious.

"We're good right, zuko?"

"Oh yeah...totally"

"Anyway I was wondering if you guys wanted to go on a boys finishing trip this afternoon, considering the lack of food" asked aang.

"Nice idea...but why don't we bring kat the you know water bender" replied zuko.

"Hey!! Avatar here remember??"

"Ohh right" nice one zuko.

"Haha zuko awkward. But yeah I'm down I used to go finishing all the time back home" Sokka chimed in.

"Now you sound like Katara. You know my mother used to fish" zuko mocked fake playing with a 'necklace'.

Sokka started laughing so hard he thought he might fall onto zuko again, not that it would be a bad thing if he did.


That afternoon the boys had gone down to the beach to get one of the old fishing boats into the water. Aang swiftfly bent the boat to beside the outstretching dock. Zuko practically tripped into it, but he was stabilized by an outstretched hand of Sokka's.

"So zuko, have you been fishing here before?" asked aang after the three boys had gotten settled in the boat.

"Not really. We had servants doing that, and I tend to stay away from water-based activities"

"That's so fire nation of you" Sokka scoffed jokingly "you'd probably prefer the earth kingdom desert"

"Oh no he doesn't want to go there!" aang commented his mind flashing back to times without appa.

"Well I thought it was quite delightful"

"You were high on cactus juice, sokka" aang said with one of few good come backs.

"Wait you guys used to get high...why without me?!"

"For one, no we don't, and two that was just a one time thing, right sokka?"

"I don't was pretty fun. I heard they sell a pretty mean cactus juice tea in ba sing se"

"Wait my uncle has some of that in the back on his tea shop. He said it was for special occasions only"

"Well then we'll make it one" sokka moved in closer to zuko raising his eyebrows.

Aang mouthed to sokka, "does he know?"

"About what?" Sokka questioned as zuko was distracted now, fixing his line.

"Our walk..."

"Ohh, kind of. But don't say anything"

"Don't say anything about what?" Zuko had finished adjusting his line.

"Oh nothing...let's get back to the fishing" Sokka changed the subject.

"But it's taking soo long," zuko complained "and I've already tried changing the line"

"Oh, zuko that won't help. You've got to wait, let the fish come to you, be patient"

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