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Damians Twins name is *Still* gonna be Respawn and Re for short. And Grant wilson exists but hes dead.

. Nika is Damians Not-Girlfriend. Yet their still a never not, Will or wont they type. 

. Connor is The Calm and Collected Person. He Lives in Star city with Oliver and Now Talk.

. In my Canon Connors aged down to 17 pls dont hate me.

. Dinah makes a good mother

. Duke gets motion sickness really easily.

. Roy had Lian Young and Cheshire Is Around.

. Jason is Lians Favourite Uncle.

. Damian is Around 15-14 Here. And The Others Are 15 Except Connor Whos 16-17.

. Rose Got Her own Place. Shes around 24

. Rose Also Isnt a Shit Sibling Like Slade is a Dad.

. Rose Is With Jason. 

. He Usually Stays at Roses Place and Spends The Night (Wink Wink)

. This is what happens after Shadow war. And Slade is still dead.

. Clark Likes to Read his Kids to Sleep and they dont want a story.

. Bruce Hates to read his kids to Sleep and they Want a Story.

. Btw Respawn didnt know how to read or write until Damian taught him

. Respawn Likes to Ask Damian any Random question or Thing he doesn't understand Whenever He gets The Chance.

. Jason is Sorta Always At Roses Place. Like Thats Where he Spends his Nights.

. Jasons Been wanting to ask Her to Marry Him for Some Time...

. Talia specifically kidnaps Mara and Damian on both Father's Day and Mother's Day because she's a petty Queen.

. Its my Canon that The first time Damian spoke Arabic Respawn thought he was speaking in Reverse.

. He only knows the basics from hearing Talia speak it before Because of that Damian decided to teach him.

. Bruce Still Isnt Okay with Him Dating Nika But He Supports Damian On Whoever He Dates.

. Selina Treats Damian Like a Cat. She Always Lets Him Fall Asleep On Her Whenevers Hes Tired.

. Jason Still Calls Damian Short When Hes Like 5.8

. Talia isnt Actually A Shit Mother In my Canon. Shes a Good One. Sorta...

. We Also Have Stephanie Brown Appreciation✨️

. A.K.A More Screen Time For Her

. Aint No Damijon. We dont Tolerate That Shit. They Are FRIENDS Not Lovers. Friend ship

. Damian Left The Teen Titans.

. Bruce and Selina are not married but they have a Kid together, So they both get custody? Idk.

. I kind ship Bruce And Talia tho..

. Damian is a huge Mommas Boy.

 . Anything He Sees Like Makeup or Flowers That Reminds Him Of Talia he Will Send It to Her.

. The Batfam gave up on Teasing him about It since He Basically Walks around Owning It.




Alfred ? (Hes Alfred Dont Question It)

Bruce 34

Selina 33

Dick 22

Jason 19

Duke 18

Cass 17

Tim 16

Steph 16

Damian 15

Helena 6


Batfams Favourite Drinks.

. Bruce : Green smoothie 

. Damian : Herbal Tea

. Duke : Smart water 

. Dick : Milk

. Jason : Earl grey

. Alfred Earl grey aswell

. Cass : Chai tea latte 

. Tim : Coffee (No shit Sherlock)

. Stephanie : Bubble tea

. Helena : Chocolate Milk

. Selena : Wine



Damian x Flatline.

Bruce x Selina (UPDATE : Mayb?)

Bruce x Talia???

Respawn x Maya.

Dick x Kory.

Jason x Rose.

Tim x Stephanie

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