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"Its been 2 hours since lunch." Mara commented blankly.

"I know that. And 7 hours since we ate something." Respawn commented with a steady gaze.

"When's Damian coming back?" Mara continued to stare at Respawn. Because who ever blinks has to make lunch. Deal is a deal.

"I don't know. He went to school 5 hours ago"

 "That's just sad." Mara said with a blank look. She was INSISTANT on not blinking after last time.

"Can we just stop?" 

Mara continued to stare at Respawn, ignoring his comment.

"I suppose this is pointless." Mara sighed and blinked after 8 steady minutes.

 "My eyes hurt. And we still don't know how to cook!" Respawn complained quite loudly.

"Speak for yourself ghabiun!" Mara pointed fingers at him. "I'm not the useless one here."

"I dont know what ghai-something means but since you said it like that it sounds rude." Respawn clearly understood. Rude = fight. Not talking it out.

So he stood....weirdly. like it was a normal stand, but ready to kill you with his hands. Mara was doing the exact same thing from across the room.

If they fought, there was 3 things to avoid.

That gold lamp thingy (which Respawn was DIRECTLY told not to touch)

The photo frame on Damians nightstand (Which Mara was DIRECTLY told not to break)

And the cat. Pennyworth.

They both at the time thought that wasn't one wasn't serious to look out for. But if you touch Damians cat, you will get KILLED, No matter who you are.

"Im not going to fight you, I don't need to waist my skills on such an abombination"

Instead of fuming, Respawn was going to play her game.

"If Im that" he set his weapon down and looked her dead in the eye. "Then maybe you're just a tool in Ras arsenal. Fair play"

And straight for the blow. Ouch.

Mara held her daggers up and came STRAIGHT for him, Respawn attempted to flip over her, but she twisted the chains on his weapon to his leg.

"Whos to say you are not the useless assassin Ras chained up? Whos to say you aren't a tool aswell!" Mara yanked on the chains expecting to drag him.

Instead she got the thinest slice of a sickle to the temple of her head. Perhaps a warning- or a miscalculation.

After Damian blinded her years ago, ANY weapon to her face, was you asking to die.

So after a series of screams and crashing noises, and lots of cuts and bruises....Its safe to say, when Damian came back they nearly cowered from his pissed glare.

There was one person who could make them apologize (and maybe tear up if the lecture is longer then 3 hours, or if the words "Im not mad, I'm just disapointed" are used.)

"Explain." Damian sat on the bed holding and Ice pack to the bandages wrapped around maras head while bandaging up Respawns ankle, which got wounded by some of the chains.

Even though Respawn could simply self heal- It was still comforting to have a wound dressed.

The two shared a quick glance before averting eye contact. Nope.

"Im serious. What the fu-" Damian caught himself, being an older brother APPARENTLY ment to lower down on the swearing. 

"What happened to my room? You broke 3 of my picture frames, shredded the curtains somehow, stained my carpet with blood and managed to traumatize (the cat) pennyworth- and let me tell you, hes SEEN stuff. I'm giving you 10"

Now or Never.


"STOP IT" Damian shouted holding both hands against their mouths. Obviously the idiots licked his hand which he Immediately removed. Neat trick right?

"Mara first." Damian declared.

"If that isn't favouritism-" 

"It started with lunch." Mara interupted Respawn.

"We dont know how to cook. So whoever blinked first, made lunch. But it escalated to when we then drew our weapons"

"Respawn" Damian looked to him because its only fair.

"She called me a rude name" Respawn argued childishly.

"Because it was true" Mara counteredl

"What name?" Damian just seemed confused.

"I called him an idiot in arabic." Mara finally confessed.

"Okay, so let me get this right. This started from something simple like making lunch?"

"Yes..." they both admitted shamefully.

"You haven't eaten since this morning?" Damian seemes a bit concerned and confused.

"Not since before you left"

"Which was this morning ghabiun" Mara retorted.

"She called me it again!" Respawn whined.

Daman simply ignored the two and sighed, 

"Can I trust you two to STAY here, for 15 minutes? I'll make you lunch, then we can finish talking"

"No, but okay"

"Not too long. I dont want to be stuck with him"

Damian held a finger up to silence them and stood up off his bed. "Watch them for me" Damian petted Titus who was laying on his back, unfazed by any chaos.

What did we learn today? Titus was truthworthy enough 👍


Btw this takes place is DESERTED Wayne manor.

Aint nobody home.

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