1. the boon

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"Swami, do you need anything else?" Vinata asked."No, Devi," Kashyapa said and stood up. "I am pleased with both of your services," he said, looking toward both his wives, Kadru and Vinata, who stood in front of him, their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. "I will give you whatever you wish for now. Tell me, dears. What do you wish for?""We wish to have children, Swami." Both said in unison and glared at each other."Fine, what kind of sons do you wish for?""I wish for a hundred venomous nagas, who will protect me from any dangerous beings of this universe, Deva or Danava." It was Kadru who spoke first.Kashyapa raised his hand, and a hundred tiny eggs materialized in his hands out of thin air. He handed them carefully to Kadru with a smile. "Keep them carefully, take care of them. You will have your 100 naga sons within a few years." Kashyapa said, and Kadru smiled gratefully at him."What about you, Vinata?" Kashyapa's question brought Vinata out of her thoughts. "I need two powerful sons, more powerful than any Deva, Danava, or Naga in this universe. They must be virtuous, righteous, and lovable." Vinata spoke, earning another glare from her sister and co-wife.Kadru and Vinata were the daughters of King Daksha, the son of Brahma. There were 50 daughters of Daksha, and Rishi Kashyapa married 13 of them, for the greater good. A few of his wives are Diti, Aditi, Kadru, and Vinata. Diti and Aditi birthed the Asuras and the Devas, while Kadru and Vinata were going to give birth to nagas and 2 other powerful beings. Both loved Kashyapa, no doubt, but both the sisters were jealous of each other. Sometimes, a fight broke out between them on whom Kashyapa liked the most, Kadru or Vinata. Both would pronounce their names respectively, and at last, Rishi Kashyapa would have to arrive and solve the problem."Thathasthu." Kashyapa handed over two huge eggs to Vinata with a smile before turning serious. "One thing, Vinata. Remember the boon you've asked for every time you reach near the egg. Never lose patience, for that will cost you greatly. Stay patient, and you'll have both of your sons." Vinata nodded and held the eggs close to her chest.Both the women took their eggs and went off to their chambers.Years passed. Both women waited anxiously for their children to arrive. Every day, after completing their duties, the women would sit near their eggs and gaze at them with anticipation and love. Kadru's eggs had grown considerably in the past few years and would crack soon. Vinata's eggs, however, did not have any changes either in color, shape, or size.

It was one such day when Kadru was staring at her growing eggs with anticipation when she felt something coil around her right ankle. Startled, she looked down to find a multiheaded naga coiled around her feet, his heads touching her feet. "Ma, I am Sesha, your eldest son." The naga hissed. It was then that Kadru noticed that an egg had cracked open. Her joy knew no bounds. She picked the 

naga up, cradling the naga in both her arms. One by one, all the 100 eggs of Kadru broke, and out came 100 venomous nagas, which coiled around Kadru's body.This was when Vinata entered. She found the nagas, and her wish to be a mother grew.Days, weeks, months, and years passed by, and the nagas grew up, playing and enjoying happily with their mother, who started to grow arrogant and prideful of her sons. Yeah, it was common for a mother to feel proud of her sons, but arrogance?"Vinata, what a pity that you have not yet united with your sons? Maybe, Swamy played a prank on you, giving you the eggs that would not hatch, maybe a fake egg? Look at me, I am happily living with my sons, and Swamy has given me the eggs that would hatch and eggs that were worth it." Kadru taunted her sister, who grew sad and furious at the same time.What had she done? Had she done a great sin while serving him that he had given some egg that would never hatch? Several thoughts went through Vinata's mind as Kadru and her sons, all the 99 of them, left with her.Yeah, only 99 of them. 98 of her sons were laughing at her while the first and the second eldest nagas looked at each other, and the first eldest nodded to his younger brother to leave with the rest of his siblings.

The latter slithered away, without a word, as Sesha, the eldest naga, slithered to his younger mother.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now