3. the bet.

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Aruna had flown away to the world of Surya. But Vinata didn't know this. She thought of her mistake, the mistake which would not have happened if she had some patience and waited a little longer. But what could she do now, other than wait for her second son?She had only a person who'd have a solution and would know her son's whereabouts.Kashyapa heard the tinkling of anklets and opened his eyes immediately. Finding his wife, Vinata, in front of him in a disheveled state made him look at her in question."Swa-swami," her voice trembled as she addressed him. "I-I-son-egg-flew-away-cursed-me.She rambled incoherently.Kashyapa knew everything that had transpired in Vinata's chambers. "Didn't I tell you to wait patiently, Priye Vinata? Come, sit down." Rishi Kashyapa said and made Vinata sit beside him as sobs escaped her lips. "I never wanted to – destroy our sons' life, Swami. I doubted you-you. Kadru's words had made me so blinded with fury-and-sadness I didn't pay heed to your words, Swami. Forgive me, Swami. Forgive me. Where's my son, Swami? Is he safe, or in danger?"Vinata sobbed as Kashyapa kept a gentle hand on her shoulder. "That was necessary, Vinata. Our son is in Suryaloka and would be the charioteer of the sun god from now on. Also, Surya will be known by his name as well. Aruna."He slowly whispered. "That is fine, about the curse, I can't do anything about it. He must be born, only then shall you be freed from the curse. The curse shall take effect soon, Priye. Take care and observe carefully and be careful of what you speak." Kashyapa said mysteriously as Vinata's sobs subsided finally. She nodded with determination in her eyes. "If so, I shall take this curse for the birth of our second son. I shall do anything and everything for him, Swami." She said as Kashyapa gave her a divine smile.That afternoon, Kadru and Vinata had decided to keep their enmity away for some time and take a stroll through the gardens of their majestic palace over the clouds.The sun was about to set, and the color of yellowish-orange filled the skies.They were strolling silently when both spotted Ucchaisravas, the 7-headed horse fly above them. Seeing its tail, Vinata said, "Look, Kadru. How pure white is its tail?" "White? Do you have a problem with your eyesight, dear sister? It's black. Not white." Vinata was hurt. And had an immediate urge to speak out the words that would make her a slave to her own kin."Let's have a bet on the matter. If the tail's black, then I'll be your dasi, slave. I shall serve you and your naga sons. If the tail's white, then you shall serve me, and my soon-to-be-born son. Do you agree?"Kadru's ego took control of her. "I agree."She said, and then both the sisters realized what they had just done.Both walked off to their own chambers, telling each other to come in the same spot the next morning."Dear sons," Kadru called sweetly. As soon as they heard their mother's voice, all the nagas stopped what they were doing and came before their mother."Mata? Sesha asked."I am going to ask you a question.". "Question? Karkodaka asked."" Yes, a question". "Ask away, Mata." Takshaka said."What is the color of Ucchaisravas's tail?"It's pure white, Mata." Vasuki's answers confirmed Kadru's suspicions. However, she didn't want to be a slave of her younger sister. And to achieve that, she shall do anything."You sure, Vasuki?" Kadru asked again, to confirm her doubt."Yes, Mata. I've seen him quite a number of times and so, it's pure white." "Anything wrong, Mata?". Takshaka asked.Kadru said the entire story to her naga sons. Sesha looked horrified while Vasuki had his head lowered.Takshaka and Karkodaka, however, stared at their mother, with a questioning look in their eyes.Kadru became distorted all of a sudden.Tears streamed down her cheeks."I don't want to be a slave of that Vinata. I don't want to."She cried. "Listen, sons. Do one thing. Tomorrow, in the morning, I and Vinata have decided to recheck the color of Ucchaisravas's tail. As it is pure white, I want you all to go and coil around its tail, so that I won't be her slave, but she would be our slave. We can do anything we want with her."Sesha was disgusted. Vasuki was horrified. All the other nagas had similar expressions on their faces."But Mata, that is not going to be right; we would be committing a sin if we do such trickery." Sesha objected."Shut up. Don't teach me, do you understand?". Kadru's sharp voice interrupted Sesha's calm tone."Mata, we can't do this." Vasuki said in one go.Suddenly, Kadru turned to all the other sons and saw the same words in their eyes as well. "We can't do this, Mata."Kadru was infuriated. In a sudden surge of fury, she uttered a curse, a curse so terrible at her own sons."I curse you all to die in a snake sacrifice. None shall save you from the sacrifice, and you shall burn into ashes."No sooner did the nagas hear their mother's sharp and harsh words, every naga except Sesha agreed to do her bidding.Sesha, however, didn't budge.A/N: Vinata, Vinata, Vinata.What have you done?Put yourself into trouble.Uffffff.And Kadru's cursed her own sons.Let's see what happens in the next chapter.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now