4. sesha leaves.

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"Look? I told you, didn't I?"Kadru said, a wicked grin spread on her face. "B-but, the color's white." Vinata stood there, broken and confused. They had come into the gardens to recheck the color of Ucchaisravas's tail that morning, and Kadru's naga sons had done their bidding well enough. As they reached the spot and found Ucchaisravas flying above them, Vinata noticed that the color of the tail was a nightish black. Why so? Because the blackish nagas had coiled themselves around the tail of the 7-headed horse.Vinata was heartbroken. Again, she made a big mistake. A mistake that trapped her. A mistake that made the curse upon her take its effect.Vinata could not go back on her words now.She had to be the dasi of her own kin, her own sister, whom she had never imagined to be her master, even in her dreams.Now, Kadru would take advantage. Advantage of everything.She couldn't go back on her word now, could she?"Hey, Vinata. Listen, go and clean my chambers immediately."A hotheaded naga said, his fangs raised to bite her if she objected.Vinata was bit by several nagas. The poison did not, however, kill her. Maybe because she was a demigoddess? Or maybe she was the wife of Maharishi Kashyapa, prominent among the Saptarishis.The poison, however, made her weak.That's no simple poison. It is the venom of the most powerful and the most venomous of nagas.Vinata nodded, exactly like a dasi does. She cleaned up the chambers of the naga as he gave an ugly grin to her."Have you completed all your works?" Kadru's sharp voice broke through Vinata's trail of thoughts. "Yes, I did." She said timidly.This did not, however, mean that Vinata was not a brave woman. She was brave. But here, she's trapped in her own web of words. She's suffering this fate because of her own mistake. This made the beautiful goddess break into a million shattered pieces.Their husband, Rishi Kashyapa, had gone into a deep meditation. He'd open his eyes now maybe after a thousand years had passed by.Vasuki was searching tirelessly for his elder sibling. He was nowhere to be seen. He seemed disturbed after he had heard Mata's trickery. Or maybe, treachery, whatever.As he searched underneath a small table of his sibling's room, he found a letter."Forgive me, my dearest Vasuki. This letter is written for you alone. None, but you'll know the exact location of this letter.I am no longer a part of your family.I can't withstand the acts of my mother Kadru anymore.I must leave, leave to somewhere far and do austerities to clear my mind.I don't know whom to please or what is to be done. Whatever, I'd no longer be there with you.Vasuki, it must be you who will take care of our rest of the naga brothers.Teach them, if possible, what I have taught you.Take care of our soon-to-be-born cousin as soon as he's born. Make sure that none of our brothers would harm him.If they don't understand, then I can't do anything.I failed, I know, so miserably as an elder brother.So, I must leave.Love you all a lot.With lots of love, your brother (Sesha)"As soon as Vasuki read the letter, tears formed in his eyes.He prayed to all the gods he knew to protect his elder sibling, wherever he was.A/N, readers. I am sorry, but this was really necessary.This part would be so prominent during our Garuda's quest.So, tomorrow, I will update the birth of our dear Garuda.Seshaaaaaaa.No.You can't do that.Well, okay.There are his own reasons.And that was his destiny.The letter is a pure work of my own.*Also, this work related to the golden god, Garuda, is purely based on the stories I had heard, and bits and pieces of my imagination.Please, I request you not to connect with what you've heard.I won't give you any wrong knowledge; to enhance the beauty of the story, I have added this letter.Thank youHappy reading.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now