14. to vaikuntha.

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Garuda took blessings from his beloved mother before leaving to do his penance. He had accomplished his task and had freed his mother.

He could visit her whenever he wanted; that's what the lord had said. He must do his penance because, even though his intentions were noble, some of his deeds would have caused pain and suffering to others.

So, he found a spot near the temple Mukambika and did his penance. He detached himself from the material world and accepted all his past, deciding to move on.

His heart swelled with pride, and the weight of his burdens finally lifted, leaving behind a soul cleansed by the purity of his actions. His wings, once heavy with the weight of his responsibilities, now carried him with grace as he made his way towards Vaikuntha, the celestial abode of Lord Vishnu.

As Garuda approached Vaikuntha, he marveled at the magnificence that unfolded before him. The air itself seemed to hum with divine energy, and the landscape was an ethereal fusion of colors and divine beauty, and celestial flora.

Flowers of every hue adorned the grounds, emanating an otherworldly fragrance that filled his senses with joy. His heart felt as if it was home, finally after so long.

He felt as if all his worries were swept away by a wave of peace and serenity that filled Vaikuntha. He found all the devas and the other beings of the celestial realm floating amidst the skies, welcoming him to Vaikuntha with bright smiles.

"Welcome, my dearest Garuda," a gentle voice resonated through the air, and Garuda turned to find his beloved lord, Vishnu, approaching him with a gentle smile on his face, his eyes gazing at Garuda with nothing but compassion and affection in them.

Vishnu's pitambara shone brightly in the sun; his kundalas danced merrily in the soft breeze. His silky soft curls bounced across his shoulders.

The Kausthubha mani that rested proudly on his chest had a glimmer to it that was indescribable. Vaikunthanatha was adorned with majestic jewelry and garments, along with various flower garlands adorning his figure.

Garuda flew down and landed at his prabhu's feet, touching them with his two wings. Vishnu blessed his beloved devotee as he led Garuda into Vaikuntha, passing the seven gates.

At the last gate, Garuda spotted two people happily chatting with each other. They stopped as soon as they noticed the lord with a bird beside him.

Jaya and Vijaya were confused as they saw their lord entering with a bird next to him. Was he a bird, or a human? 'It seems he's a half-bird, half-man,' Jaya said to an amused Vijaya.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Wait," Vijaya almost whispered yelled at Jaya. "Is this the son of Vinata?" Jaya observed the being closely, and his jaw dropped.

Lord Vishnu approached the two with a mischievous smile on his face. "Prabhu?" Both the gatekeepers questioned in astonishment.

"Meet the new member of our family, Jaya and Vijaya." Vishnu grinned at them. "This is Garuda, the king of birds and the lord of speed, strength, wisdom, and intelligence."

Vishnu introduced. "From now on, he would be carrying me to various expeditions." Vishnu continued, an ever-charming smile playing on his rosy lips.

Jaya and Vijaya greeted Garuda, who was awestruck at the introduction he'd received or perhaps he was never used to such kind of things before. He smiled at them shyly as he folded his hands together in greetings.

"Let's go now, Garuda. You'd want to meet someone special." Vishnu said, his eyes sparkling.

Garuda followed Vishnu into the splendorous Vaikuntha, observing each and every intricate feature of the divine abode.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now