5. the birth of a warrior.

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"Vasuki was distraught. The only person he had to share his thoughts, the only person with whom he shared a bond that was unbreakable, had left him, to God knows where. "I must break the news to Mata Kadru. How? Will she do something terrible if she learns about this? Will Mata Vinata's life be in danger?"Several thoughts ran through Vasuki's mind before he decided to break the news to Kadru and his other siblings."Vinata. Tomorrow, we have decided to go for a picnic to the island nearby. And I need you to carry me. Do you get it?" Kadru asked, her tone harsher than usual.Vinata nodded, tears starting to surface in her eyes. She immediately covered it up with a fake smile.She had decided to cope up with her fate. That was difficult, she knew. But she must do this. She must do this for her soon-to-be-born son at least. What if he comes out of the egg and sees his mother in such a state, broken and miserable? He'd do something horrible that would make both of their lives in danger. She didn't know how her son would save her from this miserable life.Years passed by. Vasuki had broken the news to his mother. She had not reacted. She had said in a voice filled with a kind of emotion that Vasuki could not decipher, "I am sure he'd be safe wherever he is."That day, Vinata had completed all her works and had come to her chambers to get some rest for her weak body.She had not noticed the egg had grown in size and would crack anytime soon.Whenever she looked at her egg, she found no difference.That day, however, she did not even spare a glance at the egg because she was exhausted by all the works she did since the past 10 years.She straightaway went to her bed and lay down to get some peaceful sleep.The egg started to crack slowly. First, the top broke open, and the head of an eagle emerged.The head peeped through the egg to find a beautiful woman lying on the bed, having a fitful sleep. The egg broke further. 2 huge, golden-colored wings with beautiful golden feathers emerged. The egg broke fully.A golden light emerged, making the woman who was sleeping open her eyes.As soon as she had opened her eyes, she was blinded by the light that filled her dark chambers.The light then slowly started to subside.And there, stood a giant form of a half-man-half-eagle.He started to flap his wings, and it created a melodious sound.Vinata was astonished.Where was her egg? What is this creature?He looked radiant like a thousand suns. The golden glow that surrounded him gave him a divinity that no one could ignore."Mata." His deep yet melodious voice called out to her, making realization dawn upon her.Her son was finally here. Her lovely baby. Her boon. Her life. Her heart. Her savior.She ran and hugged the huge form of Garuda, who after parting from her embrace, turned himself into a smaller form of himself, bowed to Vinata, and touched her feet."Ayushman Bhava." She blessed him, tears falling from her eyes."Mataaaaaaa." Garuda whined. "I am hungry.""What?" Vinata asked."I am hungry, Mata."She turned pale. She did not get three meals a day. She was sure that Kadru would do the same with her lovely son, taking him to be her and the naga's servant."Fine, wait here. I will get something for you," she said suddenly and ran off to the chambers of Kadru.Garuda followed her, without her noticing him."Why is Mata wearing such clothes? What is wrong with her? She is wearing the clothes of a dasi. She is the wife of Maharishi Kashyapa. And is this the way everyone dresses here?"Garuda thought.Then, he saw a woman walk over to his mother and glare at her."What is it," she questioned."My son's finally here, Kadru. He's hungry and wants something to eat.""What? Where is he? Let me see, that powerful son of yours who is more powerful than my own sons?" Kadru mocked her."I am right here," Garuda said, from behind Vinata.As he was in his little form of an eagle, Kadru started to laugh hysterically as she saw him."Is this your son, Vinata? Is this the reason why you waited for these many years?""You haven't seen his original form, Kadru. So mind your words." Vinata, for the first time after she had become a slave of her sister, spoke harshly."Oh, really? Then come on, little birdy. Show your original form to us and our mother."One of the nagas came beside his mother, mocking Garuda.Garuda looked at Vinata for confirmation. She nodded.Garuda grew and grew and grew until he was huge; he towered above the open corridors; he touched the skies above.He then flapped his giant wings and flew up, towering above all the nagas, Vinata, and Kadru.His form was too large, and it emitted such light that none could look at him for long.Everyone except Vinata covered their eyes."Garuda. Garuda," he said, his deep voice reverberating through the entire Trilok."It's Garuda.""And all of you. Whomever you are. Never dare to mock my mother ever again. If you do, I will not hesitate to swallow you all."Garuda warned, and Vinata grew pale."You are hungry, right? Putra? Come on, now, turn back to normal. I will give something for you to eat."Vinata said softly, to a seething Garuda.Obeying his mother, he turned back to his normal form, went to Vinata, and had the food that was provided to him.A/N.Finally. Garuda's here.How was the chapter?Happy reading.See yuh, in the next chapter.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now