6. the fury of a son.

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"Mata, my hunger is not quelled yet. I am still feeling very hungry," Garuda said, to Vinata's disappointment. "Garuda, putra, I've already fed you 10 bowls of milk, butter, and many other things from the palace. You know that I took all these without Kadru's notice, right? If she notices it by any chance, both of our lives would be in danger."Garuda was not convinced with the answer he had received. "Mata, what should I do then to quell my hunger? I don't know. My hunger is not being satisfied, no matter whatever you feed me with.""Fine, let me see if there's anything else to give you." Garuda had had so much food, almost half of the food in the palace now, but still not satisfied.Vinata was saddened to her core now. One was that she was a slave to her own kin. She was unable to feed her son properly. Two, she feared if Garuda would leave her, like his brother, for the reason of not getting adequate food to satisfy his hunger.But something in her told her that Garuda was not that kind of being. He would protect her. Aruna too would have, but unfortunately--.She shook off those thoughts from her mind as she took four baskets full of fruits, a few plates of sweets, and some other dishes she had prepared for him, with no notice of the nagas or Kadru."Are you satisfied now, putra?" Vinata's question made Garuda shake his head in a no. "No, Mata. I am not, but that's okay. I cannot see my mother in such a plight.""Mata Kadru must have played a joke on you, right Mata? She's your sister. Maybe like all other sisterly fights, this would also end, right Mata?" Garuda asked, his eyes filled with hope. Garuda was not so happy with the events that occurred previously. Why did Mata Kadru address her as a dasi? Was she not her sister in reality? Was Mata really Mata Kadru's slave?Garuda thought as he had no answers to the questions that he had in his mind."Putra, this is no sisterly fight or playfulness of Kadru. I am, truly, her slave now. I was trapped in my own words. When we saw Ucchaishravas----"--Garuda was teary-eyed. He was horrified by his mother's sister's behavior."Mataaaaaaa. She deceived you. Didn't you understand that? His tale is pure white. It's not black. The only way the tale could turn black is when the nagas coil around the horse's tale. Or else, how could a pure white tale of the 7-headed horse turn black all of a sudden, only due to Mata Kadru's wish? They tricked you into this, Mata."Garuda wanted to shout out at his mother. He wanted to reveal all these truths. He immediately got onto what had actually happened as soon as Vinata reached the part of seeing the black color on Ucchaishravas's tale.But his mother, his mother was tricked. He'd never leave his naga brothers or Kadru alone now."Hey Vinata. Come on, let's go to that island that is down to earth. You will carry me and Garuda," Kadru looked sharply at the son of Rishi Kashyapa. "You'll carry your cousins, won't you?" Garuda felt fury coursing through his veins. Still, for his mother, he remained calm. He remembered her words.Flashback "Everything will go according to time, putra. Your father has pronounced you to be the one who'll free me of the curse your brother had put upon me. I know, Narayana won't let anything happen to you or me, but child, stay patient. I am sure there'll be a way out for our freedom." "Mata, I vow that from now on, my life's primary aim would be to save you from the trap you are in. I shall free you, and we shall go to some other place," Garuda had said furiously, determination clear in his golden eyes and his deep voice.Flashback ends"Yes, Mata Kadru," Garuda said calmly. "I shall, indeed, carry your sons. After all, isn't it my duty?"Kadru grinned at her beaming sons, who immediately started climbing on the back of Garuda. They dug their fangs into his back, pecked his wings. It caused him immense pain whatsoever; he didn't react.Garuda had an idea running through his brilliant mind.As he carried the nagas through the skies, just a little below the sun, they taunted him and his mother. Garuda decided to put his plan into action. He flew a little more higher, and higher, as he saw his mother carrying a grinning Kadru on her shoulders, walking with a lot of difficulty.He felt anger and grief mix in his mind. He flew closer to the sun. The nagas started to get scorched under the heat of the sun. Garuda saw the nagas, one by one, falling down his back, screaming for their mother.Sesha felt drained. He had no energy left in him now. His body was injured by the way he had decided to do his austerities to clear any mistakes and to get some peace of mind.He lay there, on the mounts of the Himalayas, half his venam gone from his drained body.A melodious voice greeted his tired self. "Are you interested in helping me out, dear Sesha?" The voice had a tinge of mischief, along with compassion and love filled in the words that were spoken.Sesha got up and found the most amazing site of his life, ever.A/N. Cliffhanger. Guys. Hiiii. So how was the chapter? Our Sesha's here. Who is that person who spoke to Sesha? What did Sesha see? What will Kadru do to save her naga sons from the fury of the sun god and Garuda? How would the quest of Garuda to free his mother begin? Find it in the next chapter. See you.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now