8. the quest to quel the rising hunger.

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"Amrita?" Garuda had heard a lot about the amrita. He, however, didn't know what it was for."Mata, I've heard people talk about the amrita. Is it something that is poisonous? You look so pale when they uttered the name."Vinata shook her head as the nagas and their mother started to laugh at him."The amrita is the nectar of immortality. When we get it and consume a little drop of the liquid, that is as sweet as honey, we will be immortals. Like the devas."Takshaka said, earning a grin from all the other nagas."There's, however, a problem. When the devas churned the Ksheera Sagara, milk ocean with the asuras, Lord Vishnu made sure it didn't go to the wrong hands, like asuras, we nagas.""Because he thinks us to be evil, which we're not."A naga added as the others put their tongues out in agreement."Fine, I will get you the nectar of immortality."Garuda said, his eyes shining with hope and determination."But where shall I go to get the amrita?""That is the problem, cousin. The amrita is protectively kept in the world of Indra, the Swargaloka. You must go there and get the amrita. There are high chances that you'll have to fight the king of the Devas himself to get the pot. Then, we nagas with our mother will free your mother from the slavery she is under."Another naga said.Garuda was determined. He stared at his mother for permission to leave.Vinata had tears in her eyes.Slowly, and reluctantly, she nodded her head in affirmation.Garuda bent down, and touched Vinata's feet. "Vijay Bhava." She blessed her son as Garuda smiled happily at his mother. "I shall get the amrita for sure, Mata. I will free you. We will move to somewhere else, somewhere far far away, where the nagas won't torment us." he whispered to his mother who was crying by now."May I take my leave, Nagamata?" Garuda asked Kadru to which she nodded.Then, Garuda remembered something. "Ma? I cannot go and fight the Devraj, if needed, with an empty stomach. I am sure that my hunger would overpower me even before I reached my destination. What shall I do, Mata?"Garuda asked his mother with a worried and hungry look."Do one thing, Garuda. Go to the island nearby; there are a group of Nishadas. You may have them, and I am sure you will be full. Remember one thing, though, there is a Brahmin within the group. Be careful not to eat him."Vinata said, her eyes shone with wisdom."If still your hunger is not quelled, go ask aid from your Pitashri. I am sure he'd have a solution to your problem."Garuda nodded and took off to the island of Nishadas.Garuda reached the islands and had the Nishadas. He had, by mistake, swallowed the Brahmin as well. But the Brahmin emitted a burning sensation in Garuda's throat, urging him to spit the Brahmin out, which he did immediately.He asked for forgiveness from the Brahmin, who gave it with no hesitation. He knew who Garuda was, why he was here, and everything.Garuda started to fly again, his wings making a melodious sound. But as he flew a little distance, his stomach growled again.Garuda was tired with himself. But then, he remembered his mother and flew to the only person who could help him out in this problem of his."Pitashri, pitashri, help me. There is none but you who can help me in my problem."Kashyapa heard his son and opened his eyes. He smiled at Garuda and spoke in a gentle tone. "Putra, I know what troubles you. There is a lake nearby. An elephant and a tortoise are fighting there, for decades now. They were 2 Brahmins in their previous birth, who fought in the name of property and are still doing so, in this birth as an elephant and a tortoise. Go have them. I am sure that would aid you in your quest."Garuda bowed and touched Kashyapa's feet, who blessed him wholeheartedly. "Vijay Bhava."Garuda reached near the lake and was amused. Like his father had said, there was an elephant and a tortoise who were fighting for god knows what."It was you who stole my property. That is the reason I am born as an elephant."The elephant shouted."No, no. How can that be right? It was you who stole the property that actually belonged to me. So I am born now as a tortoise."The tortoise shouted back."Oh really, the property belonged to my clan. It was shared with you due to my father's grace.""Was your father a god to shower his grace on anyone he had seen?"Garuda flew to them, and immediately both of them stopped yelling at each other.With one swoop, he picked up both the elephant and the tortoise in his sharp talons.He flew to a tree nearby and sat on a branch. But the branch was not able to bear his weight and broke.It was then that Garuda noticed 4 Valakula Rishis laying upside down on the branch which  broke. Immediately, he flew down and caught the branch in his beak, careful not to disturb the meditating sages.The sages opened their eyes and were surprised to find the branch they were on in a bird's beak.Garuda immediately understood their upcoming words and began. "I am not here to harm you respected ones. Calm down now. We are not angry with you at all, Garuda."Garuda smiled sheepishly at the sages as he gently flew to a mountain nearby and placed the sages down carefully.All the four of them blessed him to be victorious as Garuda happily had the 2 creatures, feeling full for then. He had enough strength to reach Indraloka and fight the Devraj if need arose.


•Valakula Rishis: They are sages who are small in size but extremely powerful. It is said that Indra had once insulted them so badly and laughed at their small size that the Rishis cursed Indra to never stay with his title as a king happily.

•Vijay Bhava: A blessing that means "may you be victorious."

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now