13. the taste of freedom.

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Garuda flew across mountains, seas, and rivers, the golden pot of amrita still held carefully in his talons. It glimmered in the sunlight.At the palace, Kadru was smirking at her sister in victory. She knew Garuda would not accomplish the task. It had been a few days since Garuda left the palace to fulfill the wish of Nagamata Kadru and her sons. She had deliberately sent the son of Vinata to Indra to teach him a lesson and to make Vinata stay like this, forever. Also, she knew Garuda wasn't ordinary. What if he gets the amrita? It would be really useful for her beloved sons. They too, like the suras, would be immortals. She loved her sons, and that's the main reason why she tricked Vinata into being her slave, treating her and her sons with respect. And even if Vinata's son was more powerful than her own, he'd hesitate to show his power in any way possible, for the sake of his mother.On the other hand, Vinata knew her son so well. She knew his determination, though worry was a constant visitor in her mind. Would her son have achieved his mission? Did the gods harm him? Is he okay? Why isn't he coming back after these many days? She would, however, keep these thoughts to herself. The only person she could share her thoughts with was her son. But he wasn't here.Kadru would see the worried expression on her sister's face and would snicker. "Vinata, don't you trust your son? She would taunt her."It was one such day in the palace when Kadru, after making Vinata do all the chores, decided to play with her feelings."Well, well, Vinata. It seems your precious son, Garuda, is taking quite a long time." Kadru's smirk made Vinata's blood boil. But what could she do? Composing herself, she replied. "I have complete faith in my son, Kadru. He's strong and determined. He will not disappoint us." She said, her voice unwavering. She didn't doubt her son, even for a bit that he'd accomplish his task to get the pot of amrita.Just it was that she was worried, worried for him. "Oh, really? It's been days, Vinata. Still, there's no sign of him returning." Kadru taunted her again. "Just because I am your slave doesn't mean you can insult my son as much as you'd want to, Kadru." Vinata said, her tone turning cold. "The first-ever thing you must learn is to have patience. The journey to attain amrita is not that easy as you think it to be."Vinata continued, her voice tinged with anger. "Hmhm. Challenges or not, he must have returned by now if he was capable of retrieving the amritakalasha. Perhaps, he realized he is incapable of handling the task and decided to give up?" Kadru snickered as she said the last part. "That is not true." Vinata defended. "My son won't quit that easily. He's noble and determined like his father." "Hm hm, I know." Kadru said.They, as usual, went to the gates of the palace to wait for Garuda's arrival. They would wait for an hour or two each day. That day, as usual, Nagamata and her sons, along with Vinata, went to the gates of the palace and waited for Garuda's arrival. Something in Vinata's mind said that her son would arrive today with the pot of amrita in his hands.As Garuda approached his palace, anticipation, excitement, nervousness, happiness, and grief all filled him at the same time. He doubted Nagamata. After the efforts he had put into achieving this hideous task, would Nagamata be kind enough to free his mother? He didn't know. But Lord Vishnu had blessed him. He was certain that everything would end well.As Garuda flew closer to his palace, he saw his mother along with the Nagamata and her sons awaiting at the gates of the palace, as if expecting him anytime soon. He was confused. How or did they know he'd achieved his mission? He shook off the thought from his mind as he reached the gates of the palace.Vinata, who stood behind Kadru, could hear the melodious flaps of her son's wings. She thought she was hallucinating as she stared at the gates of the palace. But her hallucinations came into reality as she, along with Kadru and her naga sons, spotted the mighty Garuda flying to them at the gates of the palace, something golden glimmering in his hands.The nagas slithered to Garuda, raising their heads high up to look closely at the object Garuda held in his talons. They were astonished as they found the golden pot of amrita, glimmering in Garuda's talons.One of the nagas wanted to drag the flying Garuda down, snatch the amritakalasha from him. But Takshaka restrained them from doing any such acts.Nagamata's eyes were wide with happiness, surprise, and astonishment. Also, there was a slight jealousy that could be seen in her eyes. Whatever, she was happy. Her sons could finally get the amrita now.As Garuda landed before his mother, Vinata had a teary smile on her face. Garuda noticed Vinata had grown weaker and fragile than before. Her little color was completely drained. Her beauty was fading away slowly. It seemed his mother started to age sooner. Garuda stared at his mother's feet, pricked and pierced up. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes but controlled it and composed himself as he touched his mata's feet with affection and gentleness. He then turned to the Nagamata, addressing her."I have fulfilled the task you have asked me. Now, grant us freedom." He demanded as the nagas slowly slithered toward the pot in Garuda's hands. The golden pot of amrita was different from any other. It had a special engraving on it, marking it to be the amritakalasha. And the sweet liquid that filled the pot held a fragrance none could differentiate.Kadru, with happiness, said. "You have fulfilled your word, and so, I Nagamata Kadru, grant freedom to your mother Vinata from the slavery she was under, along with her son Garuda. You can be the princess of the palace, act like a queen now, return to your former attire, now." Kadru said, observing nothing else but the pot of amrita. As the nagas slithered closer, Garuda placed the pot of amrita into the durva grass. Before the nagas could touch the amrita, he raised his hands, asking them to wait."Wait," Garuda said. "This is amrita, so divine and precious to the gods. Before you partake in it, I request you, Nagas and Nagamata, to go take a bath and freshen up. For the amrita signifies purity." The nagas looked confused. Though, the Nagamata agreed, going off with her sons to take a refreshing bath. But little did they know what awaited them afterward.As the nagas left to take a bath, Indra appeared. "Thank you, Garuda. Thank you so much for keeping your word and not providing the amrita to the wrong hands." He said as Vinata joined her hands and bowed in respect, followed by her son."You're welcome, Devendra. After all, it was my duty. Now, there is not much time before the nagas and the Nagamata would be back. Go, as soon as you can with the pot of amrita." Indra nodded before taking the pot into his hands. This was what Indra and Garuda had discussed in the encounter.Nagamata Kadru watched in horror as she got what was happening. They were tricked. They were tricked. She couldn't believe her eyes. Who was she to fight the lord of the devas for their rights? Now, Garuda has fulfilled his task of bringing the amrita to them. Now, it is not going to be right to order Vinata back to slavery after granting her freedom. The nagas approached with excited eyes to partake the amrita only to find nothing on the durva grass. They licked the grass with greed in their eyes, thinking a few drops of amrita would have fallen to the grass?But no, the sharp end of the grass cut the tongue of the nagas. Making their tongues folded. That's how, it is said, how the tongue of the nagas became folded.Vinata smiled happily at her son, tears of joy streaming down both their faces. Garuda embraced his mother tightly, basking in the comfort and presence of his mother's love."Mata," he called Vinata gently."Yes, Puthr?" She asked. Garuda narrated everything from his journey to get the amrita to becoming the vahana of Shrihari, to making the nagas his natural food.Kadru, who had come there for some work, was horrified to know this shocking news. Her beloved sons would now be the natural food for the eagle? Also, how did he manage to win over the heart of the supreme lord Vishnu, for the lord to accept him as his carrier? She didn't know. She stood there, dumbstruck, as regret ate through her mind and soul.The mother-son duo enjoyed themselves for the first time, joy evident on their faces.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now