9. trying to make peace.

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Thunder claps were heard all of a sudden in the peaceful Devaloka, startling the beings residing in the realm. Indra gripped the armrest of his throne as he felt an impending danger approaching Devaloka. Suddenly, a guard ran in panting before bowing down to the Devaraj in respect. "Pranam, Devraj," the guard spoke, gasping to catch his breath. "Pranam," Indra spoke in an authoritative tone. "Have you brought any news relating to the sudden changes that are occurring in my city?" "Yes, yes, Devraj.The son of Vinata is approaching the heavens at a great speed; it seems the being wants something that is so precious to us Devas.""Aruna? Why would he approach Devaloka? What would he want from us?" Indra thought as he raised a questioning eyebrow to the guard."This is all I know, Devraj."The guard spoke in a low voice.He knew exactly what the son of Vinata wanted. He knew why Garuda wanted the pot of nectar. But he didn't want his king to be in a panic mode from then, so he didn't inform his king about what was to occur in Devaloka.Garuda flew through the skies. His wings cut through the air, creating a melody that soothed the ears of many. Many beings of the earth and the other worlds stared at Vinatasuta in awe as he flew in his form of a small eagle.He finally stepped into the city of Amaravati, the splendor and the glory of the city bothering him the least as he had only a single thought in his mind, free himself, or most probably his mother from the trap she was in.He shall do the task he had been given. With no hesitation, and he'd fight Devraj Indra if necessary. He prayed to all the gods above for the Devaraj to agree to peace, but he knew that was only 10% going to happen.He flew until he saw the splendorous palace of Amaravati.He bowed to it respectfully before proceeding into the gates of Indra's palace.As soon as Garuda flew into the gates of the palace, the guard who had reported to his lord Indra ran to the eagle and folded his hands."Pranam," Garuda greeted. "Pranam, Vinata Suta," the guard greeted back."I know what you came here for. But I am afraid your mission won't be fulfilled. The amrita is so divine and precious to us Devas. We cannot give the pot just like that. I beg you, son of Vinata. Depart now or face the wrath of Indra, for I am going to inform him of your arrival. He had been thinking all the while that it would be your elder brother who would arrive at the loka of Indra. And he doesn't know the reason for your arrival. Depart from here right now, or else you will be in trouble."The guard completed his words as Garuda had a soft smile that played on his lips."Fine then. Go call your king. I am ready to face his wrath. You won't understand the situation of mine, for you have never gone through such a situation ever in your life. Being the son of Rishi Kashyapa, the most respected among the Saptarishis, I never got the respect I deserved. Okay, leave about my respect. My world, my mother, was tricked into slavery. She is a slave to Nagamata Kadru, her own sister. I need the pot of nectar to give it to the Nagas. Only then, will the Nagas free my mother and myself from the slavery that we're suffering."Garuda tried explaining to the guard, who had a pitiful look on his face by now. He lowered his head in guilt as he walked off, to the court of his master to inform him of the happenings.The guard walked into the court of the mighty Indra."Pranam, Devaraj.""Pranam."Indra greeted back."Devarajendra, I am so displeased to announce that the son of Vinata has stepped into the gates of your palace. He wishes to meet you."The guard said, his head bent low."Let him in, then. By the way, why has Aruna come here to pay me a visit? Is there something urgent?"Indra asked, and the guard's head jerked up to stare at his king with a sad expression."It is not Aruna, Devaraj. It is Garuda, the second son of Rishi Kashyapa and Devi Vinata."Indra didn't know why, but he found his heart race as he heard the name Garuda."Fine, let him in."Indra said, his heart rate increasing by the minute.The guard nodded his head obediently before walking back toward the gates of the palace.."You are summoned inside by the lord of the Devas, Vinatasuta."The guard announced, bringing a small smile unto Garuda's face.He smiled gratefully at the guard before flying into the palace of Amaravati.The maids, other gods, and souls stared at Garuda in amazement as he flew by within a blink of an eye."So, you want the pot of amrita," Indra said as he had finished listening to the problem of Garuda."What if I say I can't give you the amrita?"Garuda cried, as if he had expected his half brother, the son of Devamata Aditi's refusal."Devaraj, may I ask you something? If Devamata Aditi were in my mother's place, and Asuramata Diti were to be in the place of Nagamata, you being the second son, having lost one of your brothers, sees your mother suffering miserably in the hands of Asuras and their mother. They hit her, do whatever they want with her, and you too, like me, were to be a slave to the Asuramata Diti, what would you do, when you could do nothing and watch helplessly as your mother grows weak day by day? Would you not do the same, ask the Asuras to free your mother, by the cost of anything they want? Won't you go on a quest to get whatever they had asked you for, for the love of your mother?"Garuda asked directly looking into Indra's eyes.Devaraj Indra, however, did not budge."You? How dare you insult my mother as a slave? Out, out, now. You are not going to get the pot of amrita or anything from me. Leave, Vinatasuta. Or else, be ready to face my wrath."Indra's rude words made Garuda flinch. No matter what, even if he had to face the universe itself, he won't back off. He'd return to the palace with the pot of amrita in his hands."So be it, Devaraj. I shall fight you if that is the only way.""Get ready for battle then."Indra said arrogantly before storming off his courtroom, leaving a flabbergasted Garuda behind.

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now