11. from just garuda to harivahana garuda.

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(Amaravati)Garuda stared at the fire in despair. He thought and thought until an idea struck him.He turned himself into a huge bird with 80 heads, each as big as a huge jug.He flew to the river nearby, collected water in all 80 of his heads, flew back, and poured the water over the fire. He was pleased to see the fire diminish slowly and steadily.After he had repeated the process three times, the fire had completely died down.He smiled happily as he found another of his obstacles move out of his way.(vaikuntha)Lakshmi was amazed looking at the intelligence of Garuda. She smiled and blessed him for victory.Vishnu chuckled, earning a questioning look from his consort."Have I done something wrong, Swami?"She asked playfully."No, Priye. It is that Vijayalakshmi herself has blessed Garuda. So he shall accomplish his task no matter whatever happens."Both smiled at each other and shifted their attention back to Amaravati.(Amaravati)Garuda flew into the chambers of the amritakalasha. To his dismay, he found two huge snakes guarding the amritakalasha, and a giant wheel rotating before the golden pot of amrita, hanging over a chain.Garuda grew into his huge form again and flapped his wings violently. As a result, dust particles flew hither and thither, blurring the vision of the hissing snakes, who were slowly advancing toward their prey.Taking this opportunity, Garuda flapped his wings more, and the dust particles went into the eyes of the snakes.With a swoop, Garuda's talons tore through the snakes, killing them instantly.He then shifted his concentration to the giant wheel that rotated so fast before the amritakalasha.It had spikes around it, and none could pass the wheel. If they tried, they would be cut into a million pieces.Garuda looked more closely at the rotating object and found a tiny hole, a hole through which only a small insect could pass.There were no spikes inside the hole, which was in the middle of the wheel.Garuda knew what to do.He smiled as he reduced his size to that of a small insect.He went inside the wheel and started to grow. There were no spikes inside the wheel.So there was no chance of Garuda getting hurt.The pressure that was being applied to the wheel was extreme, making the wheel shatter into pieces.The wheel shattered into pieces with a loud explosion.The pieces scattered all around the chambers. Now, no one could enter the chambers. If they did, they would get injured due to the small spikes that were all around the chambers.Slowly and steadily, Garuda advanced to the pot of amrita. Tears of joy filled his eyes as he bowed to it respectfully.He then slowly removed the chain and took the golden pot that shone brightly as the rays of the sun hit it.Holding it carefully in his talons, he flew as swiftly as possible back to the entrance of the gates of the splendorous city of Indra.He found Indra standing with a defeated look on his face.Still, Garuda found a ray of hope in Indra's eyes."Maybe he won't get to it. The guards would take care of him."Indra thought."Or, what if he trespasses all the guards? What if he had attained the amritakalasha?"Indra turned around, having the shock of his life. He felt the world around him spinning as his fears came into reality.He saw Garuda flying swiftly with the amritakalasha held carefully in his talons.(vaikuntha)Vishnu had a grin on his face."See, Priye. I told you, right?"Lakshmi laughed at his cuteness and nodded."Now, I have something that is to be done."Vishnu said as he sat up from his reclining position."What is it now? Are you going to retrieve the pot of amrita from his hands, Swami?"Lakshmi asked mischievously."No, I am just going to prove his honesty to the world."Vishnu grinned and turned back to Sesha."What about me bringing your cousin back to you, dearest Sesha?"Vishnu asked, and Sesha stared at him in confusion.Lakshmi immediately knew what he was going to do.She smiled at Vishnu, who smiled back at her before disappearing."What did Prabhu mean, Mata?"Sesha asked a smiling Lakshmi."Wait and watch."She imitated her husband, earning a pout from the naga."You are acting like him now, Amma. That is not fair."Lakshmi laughed, the entire Vaikuntham brightening up with her beautiful laughter that echoed through the whole of the creations.Garuda flew as fast as he could until he reached a mountain. He looked around for Devendra, ensuring that he was not giving him a chase.Then he resumed his flight, only one goal in his mind, free his mother and himself from the wicked Kadru and her sons."Mata, I have accomplished my task. I shall reach you as soon as possible, and we shall have the taste of freedom forever.If the Nagas refuse to grant you freedom even after they've received the amritakalasha, I shall take care of that later."He thought and flew higher, his wings cutting through the air at great speed.(Garuda's Boons)Garuda was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a sweet melodious voice call out his name.He blinked his eyes twice before flying more higher into the skies.He thought himself to be hallucinating."Garuda."The voice called again.Garuda was confused. Is that some kind of ungodly being trying to trick him into handing the amrita over to them?He knew many beings like the Asuras had their eyes on the golden pot of amrita, and he knew the risk he'd get into if he did hand over the amritakalasha to them.He increased the speed of his flight."Gods, help me out, for I do this not with greed or the wish to partake the amrita for myself. I just want to free my mother."He silently prayed in his mind.A melodious chuckle struck his ears. "Who are you, and what do you want?"Garuda asked, his voice slightly curious. He wanted to know where this voice, oh so melodious and deep, soothing like the waves of the ocean, came from.He felt a sudden peace fill his troubled mind. Serenity was all that he felt as he felt the air around him shift. The once hot atmosphere turned into a pleasant one, birds flying through the skies in bliss as if to welcome someone.Garuda looked up and saw nothing.He looked down and saw a figure standing there, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips.He flew down in a trance-like state as he saw the figure completely. He felt a surge of devotion to the god, he recognized by the aura surrounding the being.He was so divine, Garuda noted.He flew down and stopped in mid-air, maintaining a little distance from the being who stood before him in all his glory.As Garuda looked more closely at the lord, recognition hit him."Lord Vishnu." He breathed out.Vishnu smiled charmingly at the eagle god.He flew down, bowing his head and touching the lotus feet of the lord.Vishnu blessed him, his heart filling with love and affection for the eagle."Be blessed, Vinatasuta. I am really pleased with your determination and the love you hold for your mother. I wish to offer you a boon, Garuda."Vishnu said, his eyes glimmering with compassion."Lord, give me the boon that I would be free of all the diseases and sorrows of the world."Garuda said in an instant, his eyes filling with tears of joy as the lord raised his hand in blessing.Garuda was astonished as he heard the lord's wish to grant him a boon. He managed to please the lord of the Triloka with his acts?Vishnu smiled at Garuda before mischieve sparked in his eyes."Anything else, Garuda?"Vishnu's question and his mischievous eyes filled Garuda with a playfulness that he'd never felt before. He felt an eternal connection with the god who stood before him, his lotus eyes glimmering with love for the world he had created and preserved with so much love.Garuda felt at home when he was near his Hari. He felt like he would do anything to serve his lord.He smiled mischievously at the lord and asked playfully, "I need to be above you."Vishnu laughed heartily before blessing Garuda."Fine, do one thing. Reduce your size."Vishnu said as Garuda did that like an obedient child.He turned himself into a mini-version of himself."Now, come and sit on this."Vishnu materialized a staff that matched Vishnu's own height.Garuda obeyed and flew and perched on the staff.Vishnu smiled mischievously before asking, "Satisfied now?"Garuda could not help but laugh at the lord's antics."I wanted to ask you something else too, Garuda."Vishnu said."What is it, my lord?"Garuda asked, his eyes shining with joy."Would you mind being my carrier from now on?"Garuda could not control his joy. Him, who was just a son of Maharishi Kashyapa and Devi Vinata, a carrier of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu himself?"It would be my honor to be serving you, Prabhu. Thank you so much for making me a part of your family."Garuda had tears in his golden eyes."Now, tell me one thing, Garuda. Why didn't you partake the amrita when you knew you could do so?"Vishnu asked, knowingly."Because I do not wish to be immortal, my lord. I agreed to bring the amrita to the Nagas because I needed freedom, my mother needed freedom."Garuda said with no hesitation.Vishnu smiled divinely before showering him with a few more boons."You shall be known as the god of strength and wisdom now. You shall rule the birds. You shall be the king of the birds and will be my eternal companion, like Shri and Sesha. You shall be known as Harivahana or Vishnuvahana Garuda from now on."(Garuda's Flight)Garuda flew as fast as he could until he reached a mountain. He looked around for Devendra, ensuring that he was not giving him a chase.Then he resumed his flight, only one goal in his mind, to free his mother and himself from the wicked Kadru and her sons."Mata, I have accomplished my task. I shall reach you as soon as possible, and we shall have the taste of freedom forever.If the Nagas refuse to grant you freedom even after they've received the amritakalasha, I shall take care of that later."He thought and flew higher, his wings cutting through the air at great speed.(Vishnu's Call)Garuda was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a sweet melodious voice call out his name.He blinked his eyes twice before flying higher into the skies.He thought himself to be hallucinating."Garuda."The voice called again.Garuda was confused. Is that some kind of ungodly being trying to trick him into handing the amrita over to them?He increased the speed of his flight."Gods, help me out, for I do this not with greed or the wish to partake the amrita for myself. I just want to free my mother."He silently prayed in his mind.A melodious chuckle struck his ears. "Who are you, and what do you want?"Garuda asked, his voice slightly curious. He wanted to know where this voice, oh so melodious and deep, soothing like the waves of the ocean, came from.He felt a sudden peace fill his troubled mind. Serenity was all that he felt as he felt the air around him shift. The once hot atmosphere turned into a pleasant one, birds flying through the skies in bliss as if to welcome someone.Garuda looked up and saw nothing.He looked down and saw a figure standing there, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips.He flew down in a trance-like state as he saw the figure completely. He felt a surge of devotion to the god, he recognized by the aura surrounding the being.He was so divine, Garuda noted.He flew down and stopped in mid-air, maintaining a little distance from the being who stood before him in all his glory.As Garuda looked more closely at the lord, recognition hit him."Lord Vishnu." He breathed out.Vishnu smiled charmingly at the eagle god.He flew down, bowing his head and touching the lotus feet of the lord.Vishnu blessed him, his heart filling with love and affection for the eagle."Be blessed, Vinatasuta. I am really pleased with your determination and the love you hold for your mother. I wish to offer you a boon, Garuda."Vishnu said, his eyes glimmering with compassion.Garuda was astonished as he heard the lord's wish to grant him a boon. He managed to please the lord of the Triloka with his acts?Vishnu smiled at Garuda before mischieve sparked in his eyes."Anything else, Garuda?"Vishnu's question and his mischievous eyes filled Garuda with a playfulness that he'd never felt before. He felt an eternal connection with the god who stood before him, his lotus eyes glimmering with love for the world he had created and preserved with so much love.Garuda felt at home when he was near his Hari. He felt like he would do anything to serve his lord.He smiled mischievously at the lord and asked playfully, "I need to be above you."Vishnu laughed heartily before blessing Garuda."Fine, do one thing. Reduce your size."Vishnu said as Garuda did that like an obedient child.He turned himself into a mini-version of himself."Now, come and sit on this."Vishnu materialized a staff that matched Vishnu's own height.Garuda obeyed and flew and perched on the staff.Vishnu smiled mischievously before asking, "Satisfied now?"Garuda could not help but laugh at the lord's antics."I wanted to ask you something else too, Garuda."Vishnu said."What is it, my lord?"Garuda asked, his eyes shining with joy."Would you mind being my carrier from now on?"Garuda could not control his joy. Him, who was just a son of Maharishi Kashyapa and Devi Vinata, a carrier of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu himself?"It would be my honor to be serving you, Prabhu. Thank you so much for making me a part of your family."Garuda had tears in his golden eyes."Now, tell me one thing, Garuda. Why didn't you partake the amrita when you knew you could do so?"Vishnu asked, knowingly."Because I do not wish to be immortal, my lord. I agreed to bring the amrita to the Nagas because I needed freedom, my mother needed freedom."Garuda said with no hesitation.Vishnu smiled divinely before showering him with a few more boons."You shall be known as the god of strength and wisdom now. You shall rule the birds. You shall be the king of the birds and will be my eternal companion, like Shri and Sesha. You shall be known as Harivahana or Vishnuvahana Garuda from now on."

HARIVAHANA , THE STORY OF GARUDA, edited✅Where stories live. Discover now