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"Famous Hotelier & CEO of Evans Group, Christian Evans is getting married. Yes, you heard it right. The most eligible bachelor is getting hitched to his long time girl friend." The reporters have been repeating the same news for hours.

Lucas Smith turns off the TV. He walks to his best friend who was standing at the balcony. "You okay, man?"

Christian didn't say anything and just stares at the venue of his wedding. The venue was beautifully decorated. Today, he was suppose to marry the love of his life. His girlfriend, actress, Emma Blake. This was suppose to be the best day of his life. The happiest moment of his life. The girl he loved so much, he cared so much was the one who broke his heart, right on the wedding day. That to 1 hour before the wedding ceremony commence. 

Half an hour ago, when Christian was getting ready, he got message from Emma.

'Christian.                                                                                                                                                                                  I don't think I can marry you. I am so so sorry. But, I can't do it. One side is my dream and the other side is my love. I got an opportunity to work a big production house. I can't say no to this offer. It's my dream to be a big star. I have decide to purse this dream. I am sorry to this to you. I am sorry. I love you. Farewell.'

Christian thought it was prank at first. He tried calling her, but no answer. He start to worry. He asked his friend Lucas  and Ryan to look at it. He got serious when Lucas informed him that Emma has run away. His heart shatter into pieces. The person who make him happy is the one who hurt him badly. Ryan goes inform to Christian's parents. Hearing the news they come rushing to the suite room. His mother, Stella Evans, hugs him from behind. His father, Brandon Evans pats on his shoulder. Lucas parents, Tim Smith and Rosie Smith and Ryan's parents, William Brown and Sophie Brown consoles Christian's parents. His friend Lucas and Ryan go and search for Emma's whereabouts. The Evans family, Smith family and Brown family has been great friends with each other. They are known as the 'Powerful Trio'. The major family in the Imperial Capital.

"Brandon. Me and Sophie will go and handle the guests. Seeing no one out there, they will start to spread false rumor." William Brown says. 

"Thanks, William. You and handle the guests, we will handle the situation here." Brandon says. William and Sophie goes out of room. Ryan and Lucas enters the room.

"Christian, buddy." Lucas says and show him a video on the tablet. Seeing the video, Christian's face darkens. The video was of the back side of the venue, Emma was seen entering a car. The car driving farther away from the venue. Their parents sees the video. Their face also turns dark. Stella goes and hug her son. It was very difficult for her to see her son in the situation. "Son, are you okay?" She asks him. Tears welled in her eyes. "How could Emma do this to you?" 

Christian didn't say a word. He has no emotion on his face. It was difficult to read his mind. Everyone in the room were worried about him. They know how madly in love he was with her. He did anything in his power just to make her happy. Pampered her so much. Treated her like a princess. This is what he got after 5 years of relation. She left him. To do a movie. If she has told him earlier, he would have change the date of wedding. Instead, she left right before the wedding ceremony. Outside thousands, millions of people were watching it. She dumped him in very humiliating way.

"Son. Please say something? You are scaring me." Stella pleads. Brandon consoles Stella who was crying. 

"Brandon. We should think about something. There are guest waiting outside. Not to forget, Media as well. We must think of something to manage this situation." Tim Smith says.

"You are right, Tim. We must think about something. The guests are waiting for the ceremony to begin." Brandon says and look at the venue. The venue was full of people. Many influential, famous and powerful politicians, businessmen and celebrities are the attendees of this grand wedding. The venue was decorated by very famous event stylist and his team. Flowers were chosen and flew here from different part of the world. Five star chefs were invited to serve food at the wedding. It was suppose to be the grandest wedding. A fairy tale wedding as people described. 

There's a knock on the door. Rosie opens the door. It's Emma's mother, Mrs. Elene Blake. She enters the room, her head low, duo to her daughter. Seeing her Stella gets angry, "Why are you here? Your daughter has done enough damage for us. What do you want from us now?"

Hearing this, tears falls from Elena's eyes. Tearfully, she says, "I want to apologize on my daughter's behalf. We are really so so sorry." Tears continue to fall from her eyes. 

"Crying will not solve anything." Rosie Smith says to her. "Can you contact Emma and tell her come back. It's not to late." 

"I will call her now." Elena says and calls her Emma. But, Emma's phone was turned off. "Her phone is turned off." Elena say miserably.

"I don't believe it. We did nothing bad to her. But why did she humiliate us like this?" Stella says angrily. "We asked her many time about the date of the wedding. We also discussed with her and also with you. You both agreed on the date. But, see, your daughter ran away right before the wedding ceremony. If she didn't wanted to get married she should have said it to us. We never forced her." Stella says in disappointment.

"I am sorry. I really am. Why don't we postpone the wedding?" Elena suggested.

"NO." Christian who was silent for long, finally spoke up.

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