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Jane closed her eyes, trying to sleep. But she couldn't, the flashes of that night were coming in her mind. The image of her parents were coming in her mind. She wish that scientist should invent a memory eraser, she would have really erased the memories of her parents. She got up, there's a secret she has been hiding from everyone. The secret about her family. Her mind was filled with that event. Jane's head starts to ache, the pain inside her start to grow. She can't take it anymore. She need her medicine, which is not with her. Her breathing start to get heavy, small beads if sweat started to form on her forehead. She start to panic. Shivers running down her spine, her heart pounds harder.

Remember to breath, the doctor's advice rang in her mind. Breath. She goes towards the balcony. The night wind is cool and refreshing. She stood there, trying to breath. Calming herself. After few minutes, her breathes became normal, heart was also beating normally. But the pain which she was feeling has not reduced. It was still present. After calming herself down, she went inside and lied on the bed. She closes her eyes, slowly and slowly, she slept.

Christian was in the living. He was so busy in his thoughts. The incident that happened at the beach keeps on replying. Jane is afraid of water. Why was she so scared when she didn't saw him? Is she scared of being alone? She was so scared, her weak voice still ringing in his ears 'Chris, I am scared.' Chris? No one had called him with that name from long time. Why did she called him, 'Chris'? His mind was occupied with all thoughts.

His phone start to ring. Bringing him back from his deep thoughts. The call was from his mom. He pickups the call. "Hey mom." He say.

"How is my son doing?" Stella asks him.

"Fine, maybe. Hanging in." He replies vividly.

"Are you okay? Did something happen between you two?" Stella asks. 


"I mean to ask did you both had an argument?"

"No mom. In fact we didn't have any argument. It's calm. For now." Christian say.

"I know it's hard but you have to try and make effort. No relation can be made without effort. From both sides." Stella advices.

"I know mom." Christian say "About what I asked you to do?"

"Oh yes. When you come back I will show it to you." She says. "When are you planning to come back? Do you want to extend your stay?" 

"No mom. We are coming home tomorrow." He informs her.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." Stella tells and disconnect the call.

Christian goes back to room. He saw Jane sleeping. She was frowning in her sleep. She must had bad dream. A lone tears runs down from her eyes, which gets noticed by him. He wipes her tear gently. He lies on the bed, he faces her. Her face glowing from moonlight coming from the window. She looks like Disney princess.

The next day. 

Christian and Jane are packing as they are going back. The days they spent here in the cabin was peaceful. But now, as they are going back, a uncertainty is rising between them. The presence of others, like his family, work mates, friend and their career. Many things would go wrong. Will this relation survive? No idea. Buy one thing is for sure, many things are going to change their lives.

The stuff their bags in the car. Christian takes the driver seat, Jane takes co-pilot seat. He starts to drive for their home, which takes around 2 hours. Jane turns on the player to listen songs. The soft melodies were echoing in the car. Jane was softly humming the song. Christian was enjoying the drive, while listening her.

The 2 hours drive was surprisingly good and comfortable. They silently drive. They reached Christian's home. More like a mansion, with big yard.

Christian and Jane steps out of car. Christian opens the trunk and pull out their bags. He walks inside the home. Jane stood on the spot, not moving. Christian turns to look at her. Jane stood like statue. "Why aren't you coming in? Do I have to lift you too?"

Jane look at him "Should I?"

Christian look at Jane. "Come in." He says after few minute and disappear inside the house. Jane think for a moment and walk inside, hesitantly. 

Stella and Brandon were in the living room, talking with Christian. They saw Jane entering living room slowly. She was nervous, her fingers were fidgeting.

"Come here, dear." Stella invites Jane.

Jane walks and sit beside Stella, nervously. "How are you?" Stella ask.

"I... I am fine." Jane replies.

Stella notices how nervous she was. "Relax." She reminds her.

Jane smiles nervously. The room fell in silence. Jane plays with her fingers. Evans family look at each other.

"Jane. We know everything was very sudden." Stella starts the topic. "Even for us. But we hope that we can work it out. You don't have to be nervous around us." She pauses. "Though, it will take time for us all to accept it. I hope we try to understand each other. You know what I am trying to say, right?" Stella hopes that everything goes well for her son. Though he made the decision she hopes he takes his actions and responsibilities seriously.

"I understand, mam." Jane answers.

"Mam? Are you going to call me 'Mam"?" Stella ask. 

"I don't know what to call you other than mam?" Jane tell.

"You can call me 'mom' just like Christian does." Stella say. Jane was surprise.

"Take your time." Brandon says after seeing her reaction. "Let take time to get comfortable. Stella, don't push pressure on her." Brandon tell to Stella. 

"You must be tried, why don't you take rest." Stella say "Christian take her to your room." 

Christian get up from the couch and walk to the staircase. He climb up the stairs, Jane follows him to his room. 

Christian and Jane enter his room. His room is near and perfectly organized.

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