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As the room was decorated for the first night, Jane felt awkward. She looked the room and thought, what would have happen if Emma didn't run away? She and Christian would have been happily married. Right now, spending the most romantic time in this room. If only she didn't runaway.

Ignoring her feelings, she removed her heels. She felt a sense of relief as she removed the heels. Her foot were aching very badly due to heels. She then removed the jewelry she was wearing, earring and the bracelet. Her hand went to the wedding ring. She look at it, Longley. Should she remove the ring or not? She couldn't bear to remove it. 

The dress, finally she can be free. She moves her hand to back, trying to pull down the zipper of her dress. She pull the zipper down, but it wasn't moving. It got struck. She tried again, but the zipper didn't budge a centimeter. Jane start to frustrate. She is unable to pull the zipper down, and there's no one she can ask help for. She is struck.

She tried again to pull down the zipper, using all her strength. Even if the dress got tore she has to. Though she hope that the dress don't get tore or ruin. She pulled the zipper hard, it moved a little. But got struck. Now, Jane was getting very irritated. "Why the hell is this happening to me?" She says in frustration.

Suddenly, a pair of hands pulls her hand away from the dress. She look up in the mirror in front of her. It was Christian. She looks at his reflection through the mirror. The distance between them was of few centimeter.

Christian, didn't say anything, he moves her long hair to one side. Then, slowly but strongly, pull down the zipper of the dress. He pulled the zipper down to the end. "There you go." He didn't move from his spot. His hand holding her dress.

Jane could see his reflection through mirror. Her eyes were on him the whole time. His eyes looking at her reflection. Jane felt something strange in her heart. She clears het throat "Thanks."

"No problem. That's what the man does on the first night after the wedding. He helps his newly married wife out of the dress and does..." Christian's says leaning near Jane's hear.

"Does what?" Jane asks.

"Do you really want to know?" Christian says in her ear. Her breaths gets harder. "Should I show you?" He says and place his hand on her waist. Her cheeks turns red. 

"No need." Jane says and walks away from him. She goes inside the bathroom.

"Really? Think about it." He tease her.

Inside the bathroom. Jane was blushing very much. Her face turned red. Her face gets hot. She remove the makeup. She splashed water on her face. She looked at the nightwear in the closet. She don't much option, she freed herself from the wedding gown and wore the night gown. The silk night gown came up to her knees. She wore the robe to reveal less of her skin. She came out.

Jane was shy. Christian looks at her from head to toe. She looks pretty even without makeup, and he knew that. Many clients has complimented her beauty. For him, it was proud moment as well as jealous moment also. Many times he had control his anger, because many of the clients tried to flirt with her. Jane has ignored all of them. Christian always thought that she is loyal to her partner. But, when he know, she doesn't have any boyfriend. He thought she is really very innocent.

Christian goes to change his cloth. He comes out wearing his pajamas and matching robe. The room was silence. "It's getting late. Get some rest." Christian says and lie on the bed. 

Jane walks to the bed. She was limping a bit, the pain was evident on her face. Christian notices it. "What happened to your leg?"

"Nothing." She says and sit on the other side of the bed.

"Is it because of heels?" HE asks her.

She silently nods her head. "It's fine. Really." She pulls her legs over the bed.

Christian immediately noticed her foot are red. Very red. He got up and walk to her side. He take her leg and checks it. She had bruises on both legs due to heels. "What is this?"

"It's normal for us who don't wear heels regularly. It be fine by tomorrow." Jane says.

"It won't do. I will bring medical kit. Be here." Christian hurriedly leaves the room. He search the whole house for medical kit. By the time, he came back with medical kit. Jane was fallen asleep. Christian didn't want to disturb her sleep. He slowly, adjusted the pillow and Jane. He applied the ointment on her bruises. Covered her with the blanket. He went to his side, lie down and fall sleep.

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