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Jane takes a deep breath and looks straight in Christian's eyes. "I... I am so.. sorry. Just nervous." Takes another breath. She keeps looking at him. Something snaps within. "Christian Evans. People calls you 'Mighty CEO', 'Ruler of Imperial City', 'Heart Snatcher of girls'. But I know you are more than that. You are the most sensible and mature son to your parents. You are the most understanding and loyal friend to your friends. You are the caring and kind boss to your employees. But for me, you are my most favorite person in the entire universe. The one who makes me happy and giggly. The one who always gave his shoulders for me to cry. The one who always supported me, listened to me and understood me. You were always my friend. My best friend. My first love." Everyone gasp. Someone in the guests lightly screamed. There was smiles in everyone's face. Love in the air.

"Now, we are standing here tying the knot. The day I always dreamt of. You promised to make me the happiest bride. And you did. You made me the happiest and beautiful bride. You always made me believe in fairy tale. As fairy tales have their happily ever after. I want us to have that happily ever after." Jane pauses. Her tears which she trying so hard to not fall. Fell, the tears from her eyes fell down. "And to make that happen. I promise to stand beside you and be there for you. Not only in happy moments but also in our worst moments. I promise to be that person whom you can rely on and lean on when things get tough and rough. I promise to understand you, care for you, trust you, support you and be loyal to you. But most importantly, I promise to be your friend like you are, you were and you always will be. Christian Evans. I Love You." Jane completes. There was complete silence, not a single word spoken. Before the hall interrupts in loud cheers and applauses. The ladies present in the hall got emotional. The couples presents look at each other and hold each others hands tightly. Everyone was impressed.

"Wow. What a beautiful and perfect vows. It is emotional." Lucas says wiping his eyes which were little watery. Christian was dumbfounded after listening Jane. He was left speechless by her. A sudden wave has hit him. "Now. The most important part of the wedding."

Lucas becomes serious. "Do you, Christian Evans, take Jane Ford has your lawfully wife to live together in matrimony. To love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Christian was silent. Maybe he was a second thought. It's the last chance for him. If he says 'I do' its game over. He will be married to Jane. He won't be able to get Emma back. Jane look at Christian hoping he would say 'I don't.' Hoping he would think before saying. 

"I do." He says and hall echoes with cheers. Christian look at Jane, he knew what she was thinking. He thought about it before saying.

"Congrats man." Lucas says. "Sorry. That's personal. Now to the bride." He clears his throat. "Do you, Jane Ford, take Christian Evans has your lawfully husband to live together in matrimony. To love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Jane look at Christian. She don't know what to do. If she didn't marry him, she will be banish from the industry. It's possible. He has that power. If she marry him, will he accept her as his wife? Will he keep those promises? Will he be faithful to her? What will happen if Emma comes back? She was in great dilemma. On the other hand, Christian was getting impatient.

"Jane." Lucas brings her back. "Do you?"

"I..." Christian glares at her. "I do."

"Yay. I am so happy for you. The ring exchange. Where are the rings?" Lucas asks. Ryan comes and stand beside Lucas with ring box in his hand. "This rings are the symbol of their unending love. Jane, please place the ring on Christian's finger as the symbol of your love and commitment."

Ryan extended the box to Jane. She takes out the ring( as in the photo). It's wedding band. There a line craved in it.  'One life two souls'

Christian extends his left hand. Jane puts the ring on his ring finger. 

"Now, Christian, please place the ring on Jane's finger as the symbol of love and faithfulness."

Christian takes out the ring from the box. The line craved in it said, 'One destiny two hearts'. 

Jane hands was by her side. She has no energy to extend her hand. She was hesitating. She don't know whether the ring will fit or not. Christian takes her left hand in his hand and put the ring in her ring finger. The ring fit perfectly. Shocking the both.

"By the authority vested in me by the State. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Lucas pronounce.

Kiss?  Jane and Christian look at each other with horror. Do they have to kiss each other? Oh no.

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." The hall started to echo. Their was fear in the eyes of bride. And also in the groom's.

Gulping down the lump formed in his throat, he has to kiss her, then only the wedding ceremony will be complete. With no other choice. Christian takes a step forward to Jane. He places his one hand on her waist, pulling her closer. The other hand on her cheeks, pulling her face close to his face. His face leaning towards her. Slowly, the distance between their lips getting closer and closer. Christian places his lips right on Jane's lip. They kiss.

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