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Christian's lips softly pressuring on Jane's lip as they share their first kiss as married couple. Jane was surprise, when he pressed his lips on her. Her eyes wide open before closing. Though, it felt strange to kiss your boss/ your secretary. It felt magical to kiss your newly wed husband/wife. His lips were pressed on her lips for few your second. Christian takes a half step back. His hand still on her waist. They both open their eyes at the same time. Looking at each other. The guests cheering for them.

"Congratulation to the newly wedded." Lucas happily screams. Ryan and Lucas hugs Christian and congrats him.

"I know it's sounds weird for you." Lucas says and pull in a hug which took Jane by surprise. "Congratulation." He smiles.

"Congratulation to you." Ryan says and smiles. Jane smiles at them. Their family comes up to bless and congratulate them. The smile was plastered on their face. Christian places Jane's arm on his forearm as they walk out of the venue. Hand in hand. Smiling brightly. Or acting. When they enter the building, at the reception, they saw Elena, Emma's mother with her luggage. She was furious. Her face turned ugly due to anger. Upon seeing Christian, "You will regret marrying this girl who is nobody." Jane was offended she wanted to say something but controlled it.

"I will not regret marrying Jane. That's my wife's name. Remember it." He says it coolly. Jane looks at him with a little admiration. A guy who standup for his partner is the real man. "And also. Tell your daughter. She will be the one regretting at the end." Saying this walks away from Elena with Jane.

They enter the room. Christian immediately moves away from Jane. He unbuttons his tuxedo and remove the suit and throws it on the table near by. He gulps down the water from the bottle. Jane was standing at the door. She saw his frustration. Without saying anything, she stood there.

Christian seems to have calm down a bit. She slowly, almost whispering "Are you okay?"

Christian looks at her. No emotions or expression. He takes a step towards her. Jane got scared and took a step back. He took another step forward, she took step back. Until, her back hit the door whereas Christian till has two steps remaining. Jane was scared, she don't have any place to go and hide. 

There was a knock on the door. Christian look towards the door. "Open it." He says and move towards the couch in the room. Jane opens the door after taking a breath of relief. She opens the door. Whole family was standing at the lobby. Jane open the door fully, allowing everyone to come inside the room. She closes the door and join them.

Everyone were tense and stress. The room was silent. No one knew what to talk. The tension in the room was clearly evident. The air in the room got heavier by going minutes. After minutes of silence, Tim asks "Are we continuing the plan?" Brandon looks at him. Tim continues, "We have to decide and inform the guests and staffs. They are waiting for us.  The preparation for the reception has been complete. Food, music, decoration. Everything is ready."

According to the plan, after the wedding ceremony, the reception will be held. But with current situation, holding a reception was doubtful.

"Also, the press release." William Brown reminds them. "Do we have to make changes in it? For now I have stopped the release. We have to hurry and think what to do next."

"We have to ask my son. What does he want to do?" Brandon says, passing the baton to Christian.

"Me?" Christian looks dumbfounded to his dad. "What does it mean?"

"Well, clearly, you are going to do what you want yo do. Why bother for asking for our option?" Brandon was angry on his son. He was very disappointed with him.

"Dad." Christian says to his dad "I know what I did today must have disappointed you. But, I know I did right." Brandon looks at his son with disbelief. 

"What are you gonna do if Emma comes back?" Stella asks.

"It doesn't matter anymore. She is gone. She will never come back in my life." Christian sounded serious.

"So is it over between you two?" Ryan asks.

"Yes. It's over between us. The moment she decided to leave me and run away, it was the same moment when it was over between us." Christian sounds firm. "Even if she comes back. She will be stranger for me."

"Okay. I got that part. But marrying Jane?" Brandon says and look at Jane who was standing still in the corner.

"Dad. If I didn't get married to her. You would have arranged someone for me. Instead of wasting time and energy to know each other. I married the one who knows everything about me. Who is acquaintance with me. Who has been working with me for 3 years." Christian explains to his dad, who was getting convince. Not only his dad, but also his mom was convince. "I know what I did was stupid. If I didn't got married today, all the effort, time, hard work and money that was put in this wedding will be wasted. The guests would laugh behind our backs. And the media would replay this news again and again. The staffs and crew who worked day and night, we can't get their hard work and effort wasted because of a person who doesn't value it." He pauses "Most important, to let Emma know that she no longer belong in my life. That I have move on from her."

There was a complete silence. Everyone was processing the thing Christian said. After hearing him, everyone were relaxed and convinced a little.

"Uncle William. About the press release. Make change in the article and release it with the photo taken during the ceremony." He instructs him.

"What about the reception?" Sophie questions.

"The reception will be held as planned. No changes except the name of bride." Christian says.

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