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 "She is going to be my bride." Christian stated. His statement was firm. He wasn't requesting, it was a command, which have to be obeyed. It wasn't a favor, but it was a demand which have to be fulfilled. Shocking everyone present in the room but the biggest shock was for the girl, who did not have any idea what was going on.

"NO. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? I AM NEVER GONNA MARRY YOU." Jane yells. The girl is none other than, Christian's second secretary, Jane Ford. Jane has been working with Christian for 3 years. 

"I am not asking your permission. I am informing you." Christian says. 

"As if I will obey." Jane says firmly.

"I will make sure that you obey." Christian says, his grip on Jane's hand tightens. His finger nails were digging on her skin. When Jane retaliated, Christian got angry, he didn't want to show. 

"Christian, don't do this. You are not thinking rationally. Calm down......"Brandon says to his son with concern. 

"Dad, I am thinking rationally. I have not lost my senses. But today, I came to my senses. It took me long time to realize. I finally realized, Emma has never loved me. She was using me all the time. I feel so stupid." Veer says to everyone in the room. The whole time he was quite, he has been thinking the about the time he spent with Emma. Those years of relation meant nothing to her. How easily she has given up on their love? If she can, why can't Christian?

"Are you even considering me? my thoughts? my emotions?" Jane asks Christian.

"Look I don't want to create any delay in the ceremony, go and change into the wedding dress. Mom, aunt Rosie help her in changing." Christian says first part to Jane and latter part to his mom.

"I am not going to marry you." Jane says with determination.

"Yes, son. She is right. You can't marry anyone, you see." Stella says to her son. "You should marry the person who comes from the same status."

"Status? Really, mom. Then how you were convince with my wedding with Emma?" Christian asked his mom.

She was speechless. Emma was famous actress, had lot of name and reputation in society. Most important they belong to same social class.

"I don't trust anyone from same status. They only know how to gain benefit from others. I don't want to feel that betrayal again. That's why I have decided I would marry someone who is not from same status." Christian says to his mom. Then he turns towards Jane, whose hand he still holding. "That's why I will marry her." He says looking towards Jane.

When Jane heard this at first she got confused, what happened here? but later she got some hints from the way Christian was talking. Something must have happened between him and his bride and the wedding is called off. But to save his family's name from being a laughing stock, he is ready to marry anyone. How pitiful. Jane thought. But the girl he want to marry cannot be her.

"Look whatever the matter going on here. I have nothing to do with this. And If you leave my hand I have to go. So please leave my hand. And one important thing, you should marry someone who respects you, who understands you, cares for you and accept you for the person you are. With your flaws and imperfections. The person who values you. The person who not only stays with you during your precious moment but also during your worst moment. The person that makes you feel secured when you are vulnerable. That person is your true partner. The one you should marry." Jane say to Christian. "But that person is not me, and it will never be me." Jane says while directly looking into Christian's eyes. 

The eye contact between them got intense. As if they were talking to eyes. And no one could understand them.

Christian lets out a sneer laugh, "You think life is like fairy tale, where you can meet your prince charming, fall in love and live happily ever after. Sorry to disappoint you, but life is not fairy tale." Christian says to Jane.

"When did I told you that life is a fairy tale?" Jane yells at Christian.

"Enough of this. Now go and change. I do not want to hear anything else." Christian demands.

Jane was fuming with angry now, why don't this person understand her. The things she told, did he even paid attention to it. This situation is going out of control. Jane was thinking of a way to get out of this problem. But not a single idea came in her mind. Her mind have gone blank completely. There should be a way out, think Jane, think.

"I am done with this shit. I am giving you 10 minutes. Within 10 minutes if you get change its good for you. Otherwise, I don't know the consequences." Christian says fiercely.

"Are you threatening me?" Jane say to Christian.

"What if I am? What are you gonna do?" Christian says.

"Even if you threaten me, I am not going to marry you." 

"You are testing my patience now."

"Really? It should be my line. You are the one who is testing my patience." Jane says with irritation. Her boss has gone crazy.

Christian let out a sigh of irritation. He was getting irritated and angry. He also don't know what he will do if he looses his cool. 

"You only have 7 minutes left." Christian says trying not to loose his cool. He was on the verge of loosing his temper and composer.

Jane was standing on the spot, she was standing there fearlessly. She was scared at first but now she was standing in front of him without fear. 

"You have 6 minutes."  He says now loosing his cool.

He pulled Jane towards him with the hand he was already holding her hand. She flinched from the pain, he have tighten the grip of his hand which was holding hers.

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