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I reached office. I came early. I have been on off for few days. I have to plan Christian's itinerary. He has meetings with head of departments or the director of each departments for the quarterly reports. And the plan for the next quarter. I also have to send notification to the department's managers. I write the content and email it to the department's head. I arrange the files of the meeting, put it on Christian's office. 

I got busy with other work, when Christian came to office. Ron, Christian's assistant, asked me for his itinerary. I gave him Christian's schedule. He look at it, for some changes. "Great. Thanks. Did you informed all the directors about today's meeting?" 

"I mailed them already. And got confirmation from all." I inform him.

"Thanks. You can continue with your work." He leaves me. I continue my work. Christian's office is right in front of me. As his secretary, my work is to plan his schedule, make appointments on his behalf, make his coffee, notify the clients and company's directors about meeting. Review files for him, sometimes. Bring files from other departments for him. Basically, running his errands. 

At the time of meeting, he comes out of his office. He look at me, I greet him as usual by standing up from my seat. Ron, who is behind him. Looks at us, exchanging look. "Jane. Thanks for the file." Ron says while showing me the file in his hand which I kept in the office this morning. "Just what we needed." 

I nod my head. Christian did a subtle nod and walk away. I notice his little move. I sit back on the chair and continue to work. 

It was lunch break. I went to the food trucks which are near the office. I ordered sandwiches and coffee. After eating my meal, I came back to office. I went to washroom and went inside the first stall and lock the door.

After few seconds, the door of the washroom open and in came some ladies.  I think they are here to fix their makeup and gossip. That's what they do in the washroom. I became quite. Not wanting them to know that I am here.

One of them speak, "Did she came to work, today?"

"She did." Another one spoke.

"How did you know?" The third one spoke.

"This morning, she sent mails to each departments director, notifying them about the meeting." The second one tell.

They are talking about me. I knew it, I will be the center of the gossip. I want to listen to their gossip. I want to know what the while office is talking behind my back.

"She did?" First one spoke. "Wow. I thought she wouldn't come back to work. Now that she married into Evan family. She don't have to work." 

"Same." The remaining two said together.

"You know I heard from someone. She saw Jane wore branded clothes to the work." The second one tells.

"Branded clothes?" First one ask.

"Yes. I mean, now she an afford them, right? After all she has money now." The third one says. 

"Well, she must have been waiting to show off."

"I can't believe that she got married to Christian Evans." 


"When did their relation started? It's hard to guess since Mr. Evans is very private person. He don't like to talk about his private life." 

Which is true. Christian has always been private. You can talk about business with him, but never about his life. To tell the fact, no one in the company knows about his and Emma's relation, except me and Ron, as we work very close to him. His assistant and secretary. Only we both knew about it, of courses, his parents and friends. But in the company it was only the two of us. 

Reason? Was very simple. Emma is a superstar. And also she is signed under Evans Star Media, production house. The production venture of the Evans group. Evans Star Media produces film and series. It's also a talent management. Many superstar are signed under them. Actors and singers.

Back to topic, since Emma is a star. To protect her from paparazzies. They didn't reveal their relation in the media and dated secretly for three years. How did I found out? Well, Christian asked me book restaurants for their dates. He even asked me to recommend some gifts to gift her.

"Don't know when it started. But let me give you some inside news, which I heard from director of my department. Mr. Evans was supposed to marry someone else. On the wedding day, something happened. He got married to the plain Jane." 

"Really?" Two of the girl grasp.

"Yes. That's what I heard." She says. 

"But why her?" Another one says.

"Maybe she had seduced him." The third voice says. "You never know. What girls like her are?"

"True. She looks innocent outside. Don't know what's going inside her mind? She must have seduce our boss. It's easy for her to get close to him. They work on the same floor."

"That's not possible." First voice says "It's impossible to approach Mr. Evans. You know he like to keep distance between with opposite sex."

"That's because of his first love." The second voice tells.

"His first love?" Third voice repeats.

"You don't know." The first voice tells.

"No." Third voice says.

"Well. It is said to be tragic ending." The first voice replies.

"Really?" Third voice ask in shock. "I want to know the full story."

"Don't talk loudly, if you don't want to get fired, don't talk about this topic." The second one says. "It's the forbidden topic. No one is allowed to talk about her."

"Oh. Then let's not talk about it. I don't want to be fired." The second voice say.

"Let's go back to work. Lunch break is almost over." Saying this. They walkout of the washroom. After a minute or so, I slowly unlock the door. Making sure I am alone in the washroom. After checking, I came out of the stall. Wow. They do love to gossip. It's getting late, I should go back to work. I went back to my desk and continue to work, ignoring their words. It's not new, they have talk behind my back before. Blocking those noises is the best thing to keep my mind peaceful. Plus, work helps in distracting me. Let's continue to work.

It's clock out time, Christian was busy with work. I tidy my workplace and call out the day. I leave office and book taxi to home through taxi booking app.

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