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With a strong force, Christian dragged Jane to the other room which was attach in the room. Everyone was shocked by this behavior of Christian. He has never lost his cool. The person who was always calm, sensitive and rational. How come he became irrational? Everyone were unhappy with the sudden behavior change of him. He have always respected women and have never ever misbehave with any women. But now he is forcing a girl to marry him. Seeing him like this, his parents felt really sad.

Inside the room. Christian pushed Jane towards the wall. Her back hitting the wall. Christian stood in front of them, there was no space between them. Jane was about to move towards her left, when hand came and blocked her way. When she turned and move towards her right, other hand blocked her way. Christian has caged her. He was standing right in front of her, there was no space left between them, behind was wall. The sides were block by his hands. She looked up and saw his face, his eyes. His eyes reflected anger, irritation, stubbornness but there was also pain and hurt. Eyes are the index of mind and soul. His eyes turned cold. There was only anger and pain in his eyes.

"You have tested my patience level. Now, you must face the consequence of it."

Jane was trapped, she can't move nor she can get help from someone. "Why are you doing this to me?" She said helplessly with tears in her eyes.

"I don't have any personal grudge against you. I just want to save my family's name and reputations." He says calming down for a bit or a tiny bit, before turning cold again "I already gave you time, yet you didn't listen to me. At first, I thought my mom and aunt will help you get changed, but now you left me with no other choice. If I want to make you my wife, then I should help you to get change into wedding dress. Shouldn't I?" He said with coldness.

Jane was terrified when she heard him. How can a man think like that and behave like that? She understand that he was hurt, but that doesn't give him license to do anything he want. This is so sick.

"You are not going to do that."

"Are you challenging me? I already gave you time but you didn't used it well."

"Why do you want to marry me? There are hundreds, thousands girls who want to marry you, why me, not them."

"You are different from them. You don't want money and fame."

"Why do you think like that? You can be wrong, what if I am behind money and name..."

"Really? Do you think I am blind? I exactly know what type of person you are. That's why I want you to be my wife."

"You don't even know me at all." Jane argues with Christian.

"So what. Once we get married I will know you more. Plus, You have been working with me for what, 3 years, now? Do you think I don't know you enough?"

"Are you really thinking rationally? What is wrong with you? Why are you so head on to marry me?"

"I just told you the answer. You are different. Now hurry up. Time is running out. Get change, marry me and be my wife."

Jane was still restless to move. She didn't want to marry Christian.

"Don't let me go hard on you." Christian says with warning. "I don't want to do something, which is inappropriate. My parents have always thought me to respect women. So, don't let force me to misbehave with you. I am asking you sincerely. So, please, change your dress." He says trying to calm down his anger.

Jane didn't move from the spot. She will not marry him. He should deal with his own problem. "I am not marrying you."

He sighed heavily," You left me no option then. May be you will be happy when you get fired from the job."

"You can't do it." Jane was terrified." You will not do something like that. You are not that type of person." 

"Try me. If you don't agree to marry me right now, I will make sure you get fired and also make sure no other's can hire you. You will be completely banish from this industry. Not only this industry, but also other. You will not be able to get work. You will become unemployed forever."

"You will not do that. You are going to ruin my life. It's also exploitation of power. You cannot use your power in this way."

"I told 'if'. But it depends upon you. You have two choices. First, marry me and be my wife. Second, you don't marry me, I promise I will make sure you are banish from the industry. Choose wisely. You have two minutes to choose."

"It's blackmailing. You are threatening me." 

"I am giving you choices. Its depends upon you."

Jane is in great dilemma. 

Jane thought for a moment, nodded her head. "I will marry you. But I have a condition, I do not want you to interfere in my life. I do not want anything from you. Not your name, not your money and not your help." She says firmly.

"Okay. To be honest, I am not surprise, I already expected this though. If that what you want I will definitely give you." Christian says. "With that being said, I want you to get ready and come downstairs for the wedding ceremony. I am waiting for you." With that, he let go of her and left her in the room alone. 

Jane was alone in the room. She actually wanted to run away from him, from this messy situation. Suddenly she got an idea, Christian has gone downstairs, she is all alone, she should escape from here. She thought that she will move slowly, when no one is around here, she will sneak out of the venue. She will leave the venue just the way a theft enter the house, quietly and sneakily. She never wanted to marry any one, the thought of marrying someone never ever came across her mind. Even if it came, she made sure she never got carried away. She always remembers her past. 

Her past is the only thing she never wants to talk about and is the only thing which helps her going. Even if she wants to forget her past, she can't, it always comes back to her, haunts her. The hard she wants to forget, the more it will haunt her. Why did she agree to marry him, she also don't know? Why? This was the question she was asking herself. Was she stupid or brave? No idea. She was a self made person. She never wanted support from anyone, she never asked for anyone's help. Marrying someone was never a part of her life. Some where, she also know girl like her will never have supportive partners. Then why did she agree to marry? 

As she tried to execute her plan, she opened the door to leave the room. Christian's mom Stella and Lucas's mom, Rosie were standing there. Her plan went in drain.

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