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Admit of cheering from the guests, Christian and Jane enter the reception hall with big smiles on their face. Acting. They greeted the guests and relatives. Christian introduces Jane to everyone in the hall. Some were familiar and some not. Some even commented, "We didn't you were dating your secretary?" The couple just laugh it out. 

Lucas greets everyone. "Hope you are enjoying the evening. Now, is the time for our newly wed couple. That's right. It's the tome of first dance as couples." Everyone clapped and cheered for them. The couple walk towards the center of the hall and stand facing each other. Spotlight falls on them. The band start to play slow romantic music. 

Jane was nervous about the dance. Christian notices it and says to her "Look at me." She looks at him. "Relax." She takes a breath. "All you have to do is follow my lead. Trust me. You won't fall."

Christian places his one hand on Jane's waist, the other hand takes her hand. Jane places her other hand on his shoulder. Slowing moving their body. Taking one step and waltzing at the stage. Twirling. But, not leaving each other's embrace. All the guests believed that they are madly in love. Other couples join them on the stage. After dancing for a while, they leave the stage. Christian goes to his friend. Jane sits on near by chair, her foot aching due to heels which she was wearing. She sat there looking at the stage, where couples were dancing, enjoying the moment. Her eyes wander at the people who were not dancing. They were looking at her, staring at her intensely. She recognize them. Her colleagues. It's going to be hard to work for her from now on. They will talk behind her back. They will gossip not talk. Even bad mouth her. Well, it's not new. It has happened before. Just ignore them. Like always.

Stella comes and sit beside Jane. "Are you fine?" She asks her.

"I am. Thank you." Jane says.

"Did you eat something?" Stella asks with concern.

"I didn't." Jane didn't ate anything for whole day. "I will eat now."

"You should. Wait. I will bring something for you." Stella says and stood up from seat.

"No. Mam. I will go and eat something." Jane says standing up from the chair.

"No, dear I will bring.."

"Please Mam. I will do it myself. Thank you for the concern. I will go and look around." Saying this Jane walks to the dinner table. It was a buffet. Long tables were set up. Variety of cuisines across the world were cooked by 5 star chefs. She goes, look at the dishes and eat the dishes she liked or she understood.

The night got deeper. Many of the guests left. Relatives and friends also left. Christian, Jane and his parents were about to leave.

Brandon and Stella broads the car. The newly wed couple are going to their honeymoon. Originally. 

Brandon rolls down the car's window. "We are going. Christian, you have to be responsible for Jane now. Take care of her. I don't want to hear any bad comment coming from my daughter-in-law. Do you understand?" He says and look at Jane, who was surprise to hear the word 'daughter-in-law' coming from Brandon.

"Your dad is right. Take care of her. You have to be responsible for your action and decision." Stella says to Christian.

"Okay. I understood. I will take good care of her." He says looking at Jane.

"Good night." Jane says to Christian's parents.

"Take care, dear." They say and drove to their home.

Christian and Jane were standing alone, outside the hotel, waiting for car. The cool night air was blowing. They stood their silently. After about 10-15 minutes, the car finally came. We boarded the car. The car drove away from the hotel. 

"Where are we going?" Jane asks when she saw trees. Is he planning to leave me in the middle of forest?

Christian didn't say anything. He shut his mouth and kept looking out of the window.

The fear started to rise in Jane's heart as the car drove deep inside the woods. After half an hour of drive, the car stopped. Christian get down. Jane get down the car as well. 

In front of her, in the middle of woods, was a house, just like house in Twilight movies. A house surrounded by nature. Christian walks inside the door. Jane follow him.

The interior of the house was modern and sleek. The walls has many painting hanged. The place was clean and maintain.

"Welcome to Cabin." Christian says and remove the suit.

 "Wow. What a beautiful place." Jane amuses by the house.

"We come here for vacation, if we don't want to travel. It's a nice to relax." Christian says and sits on the couch.

"Oh. It's so nice in here. The air is fresh and cool." Jane says with shiver.

Christian looks at her, as she was looking around the house. Her eyes falls on the pair of eyes who looking at her. "What?"

"Nothing." Christian takes his eyes away from her "For the person who complaining about dress being uncomfortable, you wore it for pretty long time." He says sarcastically.

"As if I had option.' Jane replies him back.

"Why don't you change into something else." He suggests her.

She thinks and say "I don't have any other clothes. Beside the dress." Looking at the wedding gown.

"Well." He pauses "You have clothes. They are in my room. Well technically they for Em... but now they are for you." He completes.

"You don't mind me wearing her clothes?" Jane asks him.

He look at her with no expression. His poker face scared Jane. After few minutes or so passed. "They were suppose to be for my wife." The sentence was strong enough to understand.

"Okay. I will go and get change. Thanks." Saying this Jane went upstairs.

Christian room was last room. She opens the door of the room. The room was decorated with scented candles and flowers. It was decorated so beautifully. A room for the first  night of the newly wed couple. 

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