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Christian and Jane went out for a walk. As the house is near the wood. They walk with nature, breathing fresh oxygen, enjoying the silence which is difficult to find. While walking, there was distance between them. Christian was leading the way, Jane was following 2-3 steps behind him. Maintaining distance. They walk for a while. The ground was slippery due to rain. Jane was finding it difficult to walk. Once or twice she slipped, but manage not to fall on the ground by balancing herself.

They continue the walk. The ground was getting steep. Christian walk carefully at the steep. The soil at the steep was very slippery. Jane walked slowly step by step. She took next step, due to slippery nature of ground, Jane lost her balance. She is going to hit the ground, she closed her eyes tightly. The ground is welcoming her... She was stopped in the mid air. 

A pair of strong hands gripped her hands, preventing her from hitting ground. She opens her eyes and look at the pair of hand. She followed the path of hand, neck and face. Christian held her tightly, making sure she don't hit the soil. He helps her to regain the balance. "Thanks." She say.

He nods his head. He extends his hand towards Jane 'Hold it." He say and look away.

She shyly move her hand towards his extended hand. His hand was big and warm where as her hand was small and cold. He held her hand tightly and continue to walk. Jane following him. The warmth of Christian's hand warming her hand. They walk hand in hand.

They return to the cabin after walking few miles. Christian offered to cook dinner. Jane sits on the couch of living area, looking at her phone. After about 45 minute, Christian calls her. Dinner was ready. He had cooked soup nd stir fry rice with veggies. They silently ate dinner.

At late night, Jane and Christian were sleeping. Christian wakes up for some reason. He look at Jane was sleeping beside him. She was shivering a little. He covers her with the blanket, increases the temperature of the heater. He keeps on checking her, making sure she is okay.

The next day. Christian and Jane decided to go to beach, which was near the cabin. Christian drive the jeep. At the beach, Christian dips in the water. Swimming. Jane sat on the sand, she look at the vast sea, calming her soul, mind and heart. Nature help in relaxing and healing. After swimming for a while, Christian comes and sit beside her, drying himself with towel.

"Are you gonna sit here and do nothing?" He questions her.

"Why?" Jane question him. "Is there a problem?"

"No. It's just you are beach." 


"If you are at beach, you should play with water."

"Is that a rule? Like, if you are beach, you should play in water."

"No. You know do whatever you want to do. Enjoy." He say and leaves her. He enter in the water again.

After a few minute. Jane look at Christian, who was nowhere to found. She panics. Where is he? Where is Christian? Oh no. Did something happen to him? No, don't think negative. He must be here. Jane gets up from the spot and walk to the shore. She calls out his name. No answer. She enters in the water, calling his name. He was no where to be seen. Jane was scared and panic. She goes deep and deep inside the water, calling Christian's name. Her eyes start to tear.

A strong wave hits her pulling her inside. Jane felt numb. She struggle to swim. She flaps her hand and feet. Trying to come put to the surface. She couldn't. Her fear triggers her. The moment of that night floods in her mind. Her panic worsens. She felt she was drowning.

A hand grads her by her waist. Christian pulls her out of the water, he make her sit. Jane was having difficulty in breathing. Christian rubs her back. "Hey, you okay?" He ask with concern.

Jane look at him. Her eyes welling up with tears. She puts her arm around his torso. Hugging him tightly. Tears start to fall. She cries while hugging him. "Chris. I am scared". Christian was dumbfounded. He wanted to push her, but seeing her scared. He didn't. He puts his arm around her. Hugging her. His hand making small circle on her back, comforting her.

They were in each other's embrace for few minutes. Jane was finally calm. She withdraws her arm away from him. Christian took the hint and move away from her, his hand still on her back.

"Are you okay?" Christian ask. 

She didn't say anything. But her face has turned white as paper. She was frightened. He was worried seeing her in this state. He covers Jane with the towel. She was wet. 

After few minute, making sure Jane was fine. Christian asks her "If you can't swim, what were doing in the water?"

"I.... I couldn't.....find you.....so." She stammer.

Christian look the girl, his wife, who can't swim but then also entered in the water, because she couldn't see him.

"It's okay. I am here now. Don't worry." He hugs her. "Let's head back." He say and stood up. He helps Jane on her feet. His hand around her shoulder, they walk to the jeep. He opens the door for her. She sit in the seat. Christian gives his shirt to Jane to wear. She place it like jacket. Christian sit on the driver's seat and hit the engine. He drives them back to cabin.

Jane went straight for a hot shower. She was cold. The hot water from the shower hits her, making her skin warm. She comes out after the shower and sits on the bed. The event replaying in her head. Christian enters the room with warm hot chocolate. He sits beside her and give her the cup. "Here, it help you to warm." He say.

"Thank you." Jane takes a sip from the hot chocolate. Christian does the same.

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