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"NO." Christian say after being silent for long. "I am getting married today." He declares.

His parents, Lucas's parents and Emma's mother were shock. Did they heard it wrong? Cristian told he is getting married today? Is he lost his mind? How will he get married, his bride has run away?

"Son. What are you talking? You are not making any sense." Brandon says to his son who was speaking nonsense.

"Dad. I am completely sober. I know what I am saying." He says, his back facing the others. NO one can see his facial expression. His hand has turned into fist. His jaw tighten, he is controlling his emotions. 

"Son. You are hurt. That's why you are talking nonsense." Stella says to her son. "Why don't you go home and take rest. We handle the situation here. Go home." His mom suggest her.

"No mom, I am not going anywhere. It's my wedding day. I will leave after getting married." Christian states.

He have completely lost his mind. He is retailing, now. It's a part of accepting the situation. His parents look sad. Their son is not okay. A lone tear runs from Stella's eyes. 

"Son, what are talking about?" Brandon reach out to his son.

"Dad. I literally mean it. I am getting married today." He pauses for a second. "If it's not Emma. It will be someone else."

Hearing this everyone in the room were shock. Emma's mother, Elena started to bawl her eyes. Rosie and Stella gasped. Tim and Brandon were taken back.

"Christian what are you saying?" Tim says coming back to his senses. 

"I mean it, Uncle Tim. I am going to marry today itself. I don't care if Emma comes back or not. I am getting marry today. It's final" Christian says with full authority.

"Christian. You can't do it Emma. How can you marry someone else? You love Emma so much." Elena pleads to him to change his mind. But, Christian was so serious. Nothing was gonna change his mind.

"She should have thought about it before running away." Christian says trying to control his anger. His tone was loud. His was boiling from anger and pain he felt. 

"I know what Emma did was wrong. I apologize on her behalf. But, please don't marry someone else. Not today at least." Elena says with tears.

"You have the audacity to say it. After what your daughter did to my son was so wrong." Stella yells.

"It's decided. Find me a girl to marry." Christian declares.

"Son. Don't be rash. You are now angry and it's normal. Go home and calm yourself. Now, it's not the right time." Brandon says trying to put some sense in his irrational son. It was the first time Brandon has saw this side of his son. Christian has always been rational before making any decisions. But, now he is acting as brat, who wants to get what he want. 

"Your father is right. You should go home and calm yourself." Tim says to Christian.

"Christian listen to us and go home." Stella says to her son.

"Mom..." Christian wants to say something, but was cut off by Brandon "I don't want to hear anything. You are going home. Now." He firmly says.

"I will call the driver to take you home." Tim says and take out his phone to call the driver.

"No, Uncle Tim. You will not call anyone. I am not going home." Christian says. 

"Son. Why are you doing this?" Stella says.

"Mom. I have done enough from my side. We have postpone the wedding date not once, but twice. Just because Emma had work. Only she has work, we don't have work at all? We are sitting idle? And the preparation of the wedding started months ago. Everyone worked so hard for this wedding. Now, you want to cancel it. Just because the bride ran away. It's not fair." Christian keeps his side, "Just like the flowers used in this wedding. We replaced rose with orchids. Just like that."

Christian's parents were left speechless. Elena was in denial. How easily can someone replace her daughter? No. It can't happen. It won't happen.

"Christian, I know what Emma did was wrong, but you can't marry someone else. It won't be fair to Emma." Elena claims.

"Really? Leaving and dumping me was fair from her side?" Christian slowly groans. Controlling his anger. "I have decided I am gonna marry someone else." The room went silence.

Suddenly, a knock was heard. Rosie goes and open the door. A girl who was wearing lavender dress. "Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Brown has asked me to come and check, if everything alright?" She slowly says.

"Everything's alright. How are the guests? Are they enjoying?" Tim asks coming forward to the door.

"No worries, Mr. Smith. The guests are enjoying. There's a variety of performance prepared." The girl says. "If there's nothing I should go back." 

"Wait." Christian says. When the girl took a step back from the door. He moved away from the window. Goes towards the door, grabs the hand of the girl and pull her inside the room.

The shock was clearly evident on the girl's face. Her eyes flashed with pain and fear. The grip of Christian's hand was very tight on her hand. She was so shock to speak anything. She tried to free herself from his grip. But the grip gets tighter. "Let go of my hand." She says after struggling to free herself from his grip. "Let go."

"Stop struggling." Christian look at her coldly. She struggle to free herself but couldn't. 

"What are doing? Let her go." Brandon says.

"Sir. Did I do something?" I ask them. The atmosphere inside the room was so tense. It was difficult to breath. 

"No. You didn't do anything wrong. Christian let her go." Brandon say to him "You are hurting her." He says when his grip tighten on her hand and she yelps from pain. 

"Christian, let her go." Stella says.

"I have decided to marry her." Christian's statement shock everyone. Especially the girl. Her face turned pale as if there's no ground beneath.

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