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The rain continues to pour till the next day afternoon. Christian and Jane both sat in the living room ideally. They don't know what to do, they can't go out. The air was getting awkward between them. 

Jane was getting very bore. She has already gone through her phone, social media, YouTube. Nothing was entertaining her. Whereas, Christian was busy with his phone. She sighs.

Christian hears her big sigh. "Are you bored?" He ask.

Jane nods her head.

"If the weather wasn't bad, we could have gone out." He sighs.

"It's okay." Jane tells him. "If you don't mind can I ask you something. It's kind of personal." Jane asks.

"Go ahead." He confirms.

"Why me?" Christian looks at her in confusion. "I mean to ask. Why me? You could have married any girl from rich family. Why marry me? A girl from nowhere?" Jane questions him.

Christian was silent for few minutes. He took his time to think about the answer he want to give her. "I... I don't know, to be honest." Jane raises her eyebrows in confusion. "Shall I tell you honestly. I wasn't thinking to marry anyone. It's just, you knocked on the door at the same time the idea of marrying you knocked on my mind."

"It's irrational. How could like this happen?" Jane asks him. She's confused. How could can person get irrational idea like this? "How do you even manage the run the company?"

"Hey. You are insulting me for only one decision. And I don't think it's the irrational one." Christian tells her.

"So you mean to say is, marrying me was the right decision you took?" Jane asks him. Christian shrugs his shoulder. This whole topic was confusing Jane.

"Why are you asking me these questions?" Christian interrogate.

"Just I want to know the reason." Jane answers simply. 


"Reason of you marrying me when they are thousands of girls in line waiting for you just to look at them." Jane tells.

"Am I that popular?" Christian has big smirk playing on his lips.

"Narcissistic." Jane tell him. Jane pauses for a second before continuing "What will you do if Emma comes back to you?"

Christian was taken aback a little. The smirk on his face disappears, his jaw stiffens, a frown appears on her forehead hearing her name. He didn't speak for few minutes. Jane felt tense, she asked him the wrong question. Oh no. He is angry. "It doesn't matter anymore." Christian says.

"Really?" Jane asks "Don't you want her back in your life?" 

"Not anymore." Christian sighs. "I am married. Thing about other woman, not my wife is sin. I am loyal person." 

"Smooth talker." Jane pauses "Does it means that you are serious about this relation? And you will be faithful and loyal to me?" 

Christian thinks about a minute. He nods his head in reply. "I will be loyal and faithful to my wife."

"But why?" 

"Why? Doesn't all girl want their husband to be faithful and loyal to them?"

"They do but our situation is bit different don't you think?" 

"Ah... I think you don't believe that I am a loyal person?" 

"I never said it." Jane clarify " I just... I am an insecure person. Being in any relation scares the shit out of me. It's not easy for me to trust and believe someone."

"I can tell that." Christian tells "You are my secretary. I know you think about alot of things and worry about tons of things." 

"You are right. I am an overthinker." Jane confirm and seals it. "That's why I want to know whether you are serious about this relation or not? Or do you want me to be your pretentious wife?"

Christian keeps looking at Jane, thinking. After about five minutes of thinking, he answers "All I want from you is time and space. For now. The past few days has been very tough for us, mentally." Jane listen to him attentively "I can assure you that even if Emma comes back nothing will happen. She has become stranger for me from the moment she dumped and ran away from wedding."

"It must be hard on you. The person you love leaves you without telling anything." Christian nods after listening to Jane "It must be really hard when it's your first love leaves you."

Christian nods but stops mid way "First love?"

"First love? Wasn't Emma your first love? Everyone in the company says." Jane asks.

"Everyone in the company say? Do everyone in the company knew about the relationship?" Christian questions in surprise. "I have never publicly displayed my relation with Emma. I have always made sure to keep it secret whenever we met. Then how?"

"Well. Maybe one of the employee had seen or heard about it. He/she must have told about it to other. They must have told others. And just like that everyone in the company knew about your relation. That's how it works." Jane explains him.

"Oh. It's interesting. The best way to spread rumors." 

"I know right." Jane says. "So, Emma wasn't your first love? I thought she was." 

"Why do you think so?" Christian raise his eyebrows.

"Well. You know the way you look at her, care about her, listen to her, support her, understand her. And that, look in your eyes always filled with love. So I thought..."

"Well. You are half right, half wrong." Christian says. "The part about how I love her was right. But she was not my first love."

"So who was she?" Jane ask curiously.

"My first love was a very special person to me. She was kind, smart, beautiful, strong. Most importantly, she was my best friend." Christian says sadly, remembering her memories.

"Where is she now?" Jane asks. 

Christian looks at her, with sad eyes "She has gone somewhere far. The place were no one can come back from." He says sadly.

Jane was speechless. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I am sorry."

"It's okay." He says sadly and look out of window. The weather outside seems to be clear. "Let's go out." He suggests.

Jane looks out of window. "Okay. Let's go out."

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